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Settings: Philippine Airport.

Cha and Jay arrived at the Philippines sooner than expected.

Cha was on the phone with Aya's father.

Cha: Thanks for helping us out. I didn't think through that Diana would help.

Aya's Father: Dont worry, I'll handle her. Focus on bringing my daughter and Caesar back here so that I can close the deal. No escaping this time.

Cha smiled as she replied.

Cha: With pleasure.


Setting: Aya's Hotel Room

She remembered what Eric said.


Aya: Are you really on our side?

Eric stopped looking at the documents and looked at Aya. 

Eric: What makes you think I can betray Diana?

Aya: Sir, we all have our own stories. We can never tell who can betray who. That's why I'm asking you if whose side are you? You have been protecting her aren't you?

Eric: Aya, Cha is still my daughter.

Aya: Sha was your daughter as well. And seeing the man she loves and adores hurt, do you think she would be happy?

Eric: She won't.

Eric became silent.

Aya: I know she's still your daughter but don't you think this is too much? She's ruining the lives of people around her. And as her father, you know too well that her anger has baseless reasons and you, of all people should take responsibility because I know this all happened















 because you kept everything from her.

<end of flashback>

Aya was brought back to reality when someone knock at the door.

She opened it and a man was standing there. She and Cha knew him very well from university.

Man: Long time no see, Aya.

Aya knew this voice. He became matured after how many years. Aya hugged the man, showing how she missed him.

Aya: I missed you too, David.

Setting:  Robredo's Condo

Leni was doing some paperworks when someone called her bringing the bad news.

Leni  thought hard on how to handle this situation when Aika came in.

Aika: Ma nakita niu po yung....

Aika saw her reaction. She knew something wasn't right.

Aika: Ma, what happened?

Leni couldn't keep this from her. She had to tell her.

Leni: Aika, 1 week. Yun nalang ang mabibigay ko.
After a week, Caesar will be deported to his own country.
Setting: Caesar's Room

Astrid immediately went to his room holding a letter.

Astrid: Kuya,

She handed out the letter to his brother and as he read it, he started to frown.

Astrid: Kuya, this is bad. A week, thats too soon.

Diana heard their conversation. She knew she had to do something soon.

She reached out for her phone but as soon as she was about to call the office, she saw the news about Cha and then someone was called her.

Aya's Dad - Lucas

She answered it.

Diana: Hello

Lucas: Diana, how are you?

Diana: Don't play dumb with me Lucas. I know this is your doing.

Lucas: Diana, the kids should learn how to solve their own problems, you shouldn't have interfered.

Diana: And if only that was the case, you made my son go into a contract without him knowing the terms!

Lucas: Guess he's oblivious just as Zeke was.

Diana: Don't you dare call my husband's name.

Lucas: Oh come on Diana, it happened years ago. He's dead.

Diana couldnt hold it in anymore.

Diana: He's dead but his legacy still continued unlike you who couldn't help but ignore as your friend was dying in right there! You could've save him.
But you didn't.

Diana ended the call. She was shocked seeing Caesar already standing inside the room.

Caesar: He killed dad?

Diana: Caesar..

Caesar: Mom, did he killed him!? What happened. You said it was an accident!

Diana confessed.

Diana: He didn't kill him Caesar, but he could've save him. During that time your dad was at the hospital having the operation, he was among the best surgeons but he withdrew last minute and gave the operation to a new doctor.

Complications happened. He was paged.
But he didn't respond.

Caesar lost his balance and landed on the floor.

His dad could've been saved. All of his anger vented to no one before but this time he knew.

He knew the culprit was.

The marriage and his dad's death.

It all leads to Aya's Dad, Lucas.
Author's POV

1 week story line, things are getting complicated. Who will do what to whom? So sino kalaban? 😂😂

PS: Ilang araw nalang ang hihintayin, at mapapalaya ka na rin.

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