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"Yes, I'm planning to win your sister back."

Tricia saw in his eyes. He never stopped loving her.

Tricia nodded in response and decided to tell him.

Tricia: Kuya, she didn't want to leave you that time. But she needed to.

Caesar: Trish, please tell me everything.

And that Tricia did, she told everything to Caesar. 




When Caesar knew, he felt guilty.

Aika held it all in. She handled everything for him.






She suffered for him.






She did it all for him. 







After telling Caesar, Tricia offered a last warning.

Tricia: Don't let her go this time kuya, this might be your last chance.

He knew it was his last.

Caesar: This will be my last chance, Trish.

He smiled. He has four months to win her back.





He has four months to ask her to marry him.


Setting: On the plane going  to Europe

Aya's phone was ringing. Her father was calling her.

She didn't want to answer.

But she didn't have a choice. She answered it.

Aya: Hello.

Dad: When are the two of you going home.

Aya: Dad, we just had.

Dad: Stop delaying this any further! I gave you the power to help him and you keep delaying the marriage. 2 years! That's two years Aya!

Aya couldn't say a word.

Dad: Bring him home now and we will proceed with the marriage.





But this time, Aya had it.





Aya: Give me one more year dad. I'm not ready yet to...

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