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Aika, after talking to David, returned to the room.

Caesar was patiently waiting for her.

He was walking back and forth, waiting for her to come back. Overthinking about what would happen.

Aika opened the door and saw Caesar. Caesar immediately went to her and hug her saying.

Caesar: Did he do anything to you?

He checked her for any bruises or marks.

Aika, looking at him panicking, wanted to tease him

Aika: He did.

Caesar's eyes opened wide as he said.

Caesar:  What did he do?

Aika wrapped her arms around him, looked at him and said.

Aika: What if he kiss my lips hon? What would you do?

Caesar grabbed her by the waist suddenly and kissed her. 
Dominating every inch of her lip and eventually letting go.









Caesar: Then, Ill just have to dominate every inch of your lips with mine, hon.

After that, I'm gonna kill him. 










He stormed out to the door, but Aika stopped him.

Aika: Caesar, I was just joking. He left. He let go.

Caesar looked at her and hugged her.

He had relief after hearing those words. Now, he can have her all to himself.

He carried Aika, just like how a groom would do with his newly wedded wife and said to her.

Caesar: Aika, you're mine now.

He carried her to the bed and slowly lay her.

She was laying on the bed, he was on top of her as he went for her lips. Kissing it, tasting it. 

She broke off the kiss. He was being aggressive and couldn't wait.

Aika: Caesar, why are you being aggressive.

She said that but she liked it. She like how he was fixated to her. She liked how he was obsess with her. She liked how he wanted to dominate her.

Caesar: You love it, don't you, hon?

Aika nodded and he understood what that meant.

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