77 - Finale

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Caesar and the kid walks inside the room.

There and there, a woman was standing near the door. Waiting for them.

Woman: You're late, Caesar.

The woman walks to him closer and smiled.

Caesar smiled as he saw her

Caesar: I know. 











 But I'm here now, Aya.


Setting: Church - England 

A gunshot was heard.

There was silence. Aika and Caesar was now with each other. Caesar covering her up. 




But nothing happened. David pulled a gun with blank shots in it.

Lucas: What is this!? David, what's happening!?

David looks at Lucas and gave out a smirk.

Just then, a large crowd of police were now going inside the church. Circling Lucas and Cha.

Lucas: Do you know who I am!?

Aya: They know exactly who you are. That's why they know who to arrest.

Aya took off her veil and revealed a very confident smile while looking at her father.

Lucas: Arrest!? Aya! Stop this nonsense once and for all or I'll....

Eric emerged from the crowd. 

Eric: Or what? You would poison her just like how you told David to poison Aika? Or kill her just like how you killed Zeke? 

Diana: Killed? What do you mean?

Eric: He killed Zeke by poisoning him. We found traces from the IV that was given to Zeke that's why he didn't even bothered saving him.

Lucas laughed. 

Lucas: You have no evidence Eric and you David, you agreed with the plan as well. You are digging your own grave. You know what I can do.

Diana lost her strength hearing that her husband was killed.

All this time, she thought it was a natural death but it wasn't.

She quickly went to Lucas and slap him, hitting him left and right and asked him.

Diana: He was your friend! Why? Why!?

Lucas didn't answer.

Eric answered for him.

Eric: Because he loved you.

Diana looks at Eric. 

Lucas looks at Eric. His eyes gave a piercing look.

Eric: He loved you but he can't have you. And thinking that if he gets rid of Zeke, he might have a chance to have you all over again.





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