chapter 32

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Chapter 32: I’ll Just Watch and Keep Quiet

“Don’t go!” Van Helsing quickly grabbed her as she wanted to leave. “In addition to Dracula, there’s a demon hiding in the dark. You’ll definitely suffer disaster if you go!”

“But what can I do?” Anna shouted at him. “My brother is the only relative I have left. How can I watch him turn into an insane beast?!”

Overcome by grief, Anna knelt on the ground and held her face while crying. “God! What have I done wrong to suffer such torment?”

Van Helsing was lost for words. Although the church wanted to amend the situation now, they had left the Villelis family on their own for the past hundreds of years. Had the church intervened earlier, the Villelis family would not have been nearly wiped out. He now had no reason at all to stop Anna from saving her only relative.

After venting for a while, Anna stood up, wiped her tears, grabbed her weapon, and went ahead without looking back. She did not even leave any words for Van Helsing and Carl.

Van Helsing was lying on the ground while Carl was anxiously trying to stop the bleeding. Suddenly, Carl saw that the gunshot wound on Van Helsing’s chest was slowly squeezing the bullet out of the flesh on its own!

He was so surprised that he almost cried out, but Van Helsing covered his mouth and whispered, “Shh! Pretend I’m going to die!”

Carl was not stupid. He immediately held back and tried his best to act. “God, I-I can’t stop your bleeding! Damn, that bastard damaged your arteries…”

As he cried, Carl acted flustered while his hands were moving busily around Van Helsing’s body.

“No… no need to waste the effort, Carl…” Van Helsing murmured weakly. “After dawn… you return to the church and… report what happened. I… I am so cold. I need… rest…”

Van Helsing lowered his head, shut his eyes, and stopped moving.

But in the dark night, it could be noticed that Van Helsing’s hand was tightly holding a bottle of holy water…

Roy had not recalled wrongly. Van Helsing was indeed the incarnation of an angel. The only thing that Roy missed was that Van Helsing was not only the incarnation of an angel but also one of the incarnations of the famous Archangel Gabriel! The angel that was always known as the left hand of God! Legend had it that he refused to punish Rome and argued with God, so he was banished to Earth by God to temper his will.

Four hundred-odd years ago, before Dracula had sold his soul to the demon, the incarnated human Van Helsing was a good friend of Dracula. At that time, Dracula was a believer of God. However, once, when Dracula was out fighting against heresy for the church, the enemy spread rumors that he had died in battle, causing his wife to commit suicide.

Upon Dracula’s triumphant return, he saw the remains of his wife. And while he was overcome with grief, a person of the church told him that his wife’s soul could not ascend to Heaven because she had taken her own life.

How could he tolerate this? In a fit of anger, Dracula killed the people of the church on the spot. He felt betrayed. He had worked for God, but God had not protected his wife and even turned her away from Heaven after her death. Why should he continue to believe in a God like that?

From that day on, Dracula became an enemy of the church, and he took his army and fought to resist the church.

However, Van Helsing, who sided the church, became his enemy as well. After a bitter battle, Van Helsing had killed Dracula with his own hands and took Dracula’s knight insignia from his finger. Just as Dracula was about to die, he used his own blood to summon a demon and sold his soul to it in exchange for revival. That demon used its own blood to turn Dracula into a vampire.

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