Chapter 121 Illusions, All Illusions

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There were about eighty pirates, and before long, they divided up the gold of misfortune among themselves.

The pirates returned to their ship happily. They were thinking in their hearts that after they returned, they would use this gold to buy a manor, returning home as rich landowners. Tia Dalma came with the pirates, but instead of setting off with them, she left on a small boat alone.

Only Roy saw that Tia Dalma had taken out bones to do a divination before she left, and he did not know what result she got that prompted her to leave alone…

After everyone left, Roy looked at the quivering slave traders. These slave traders were crying bitterly, looking like pitiful baby chicks, but Roy had long smelled the aroma of fallen souls in these slave traders.

If pirates could only be regarded as fierce and vicious, then these slave traders were truly heinous. Their souls had already said everything

Although Roy had been controlling his Soul Devouring Addiction, the smell of fallen souls was really too tempting for demons. Even Roy could not help but come closer and smell their souls.

But when Roy did this, the slave traders were even more terrified and collapsed. They cried and knelt on the ground, begging Roy for mercy, and some of them even peed their pants.

However, Roy was unmoved. As a demon, the humans he usually came into contact with were either greedy or had dark hearts. Most of them were scumbags and villains. These people did not deserve any sympathy at all, and Roy was only interested in their souls.

He turned to Cassandra and said, “I’ll hand them over to you! Remember to bring their souls back!”

Seeing Cassandra nod, Roy spread his wings and flew back to the Frozen Throne. Fat Tiger followed him loyally.

As for what Cassandra was going to do to these slave traders, it was not his concern. It was all for Cassandra’s revenge.

After returning to the throne and sitting, Roy took out the scroll that Tia Dalma had given him and opened it.

Roy stared at the scroll with a solemn expression. To be honest, he had never thought that he would obtain such an item in the Pirates of the Caribbean world.

From the demon text engraved on it, it was apparent that this scroll should just be a rubbing, seemingly rubbed from an ancient stone stele. This was because Roy saw some blurry characters symbols on it, which should not happen if the scroll was the original.

What was even stranger was that every demon character symbol on this scroll carried a thick aura of darkness and flames. These characters were usually hidden, and only when they came into contact with demons from the Abyss like Roy would they sense their aura and reappear.

Demon Bible… Is this the doctrine of the demons? Roy thought in doubt. The problem is that demons only believe in power…

With this doubt in his mind, Roy began to read it.

“… Like a meteor, he pierced through the earth and continued down. Finally, he reached the depths of this world and stopped there.

“The kings of the seven deadly sins knelt in front of him and witnessed his great feats…

“The black sun and the demon moon were born. The sea had tides, and the world had levels…

“After giving the Abyss an authority equivalent to a Side of the Infinite Worlds, he left this place and returned to the void…”

The demon language conveyed meaning through the power of the soul, but the unclear text did not have the same effect, so the content Roy read appeared intermittent. Fortunately, there was no such thing as translation errors, so Roy interpreted most of it.

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