chapter 96: Roy's demon blood

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Without a doubt, this girl floating in the waves was the owner of the offered soul.

Roy was not surprised that this girl was a corpse. If the owner had not died, her soul could not have left her body. He was just a little depressed that he was teleported into the sea and encountered a storm.

Sea storms were extremely terrifying. The power that stirred the heavens and earth was something that even demons would be terrified of.

Looking at the bolts of lightning shuttling through the dense clouds and the violent wind and rain, Roy did not dare to fly, afraid of being struck by lightning.

Therefore, Roy used his frost power to freeze the seawater to create a floating island that was hundreds of square meters.

The only thing he was glad about was that he did not have the power of flames. If he had the power of flames, he would have been really at a loss in the sea.

After Roy built the floating island, Fat Tiger carried the girl’s corpse up. He swam faster than Roy in the big waves, so Roy had asked him to salvage the corpse.

After Fat Tiger got on the floating island, Roy used his frost power to create an ice wall that enveloped the entire floating island. This way, the layer of ice would isolate the storm outside. Although the floating island did not have a foundation and would be tossed about in the stormy sea, it was better than being drenched.

Only then did Roy have the time to examine the girl’s corpse.

This young girl looked like she was only in her teens. Her clothes were already tattered, and with her clothes not covering her body, Roy naturally saw the miserable scars on her body.

At her ankles and wrists were very serious strangulation marks, indicating that she had been tied up and had been trying to break free. So much so that her wrists and ankles were riddled with wounds.

He could see countless crisscrossing wounds on her limbs, chest, and back. Roy took a closer look and found that some of them were from being whipped, some were from being burnt by fire, and some were from being cut by knives. These scars were old and new, and some were even new wounds that had split open on top of the old ones.

However, these injuries were nothing. The most severe injuries were at her chest and eyes. Her right breast had been completely cut off. Even though her eyelids were closed, they were sunken in, and blood flowed out of the corners of her eyes. He could easily tell that her eyes had been gouged out…

It was hard to imagine what kind of torture this girl had suffered when she was alive. Not to mention a teenage girl, even a demon like Roy felt that it was cruel.

Such injuries could only be inflicted by her own kind. Although demons would also harm their own kind, it was basically killing them and taking away their souls. There were very few cases of torture, so for a while, Roy felt that humans were crueler to their own kind than demons…

It was no wonder she felt so much hatred when she died…

Looking at the young girl’s corpse, Roy was a little worried. The demon contract required him to avenge Cassandra, but she was already dead and did not leave any information behind. How could Roy know who her enemies were and where they were?

Although Cassandra’s soul was now in Roy’s hands, Roy had devoured souls before. He knew that although memories of the original owner existed in the soul, it was extremely rare. When demons swallowed souls, they could only see some discontinuous scenes, and it was difficult for them to leave an impression in the minds of demons.

If not for this, the demons of the Abyss had devoured so many souls, so they would have probably already become schizophrenic due to memory problems…

There seemed to be a way to extract the memories from a soul, but it seemed to be a rather unique magic that Roy did not know currently.

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