Chapter 125: Second Gear

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Roy could only stop because of the abnormal condition of his body.

He began to check his physical condition but was surprised to find that his magic power was running through the nodes in his body very smoothly, as smoothly as usual. There was not the slightest stagnation at all. But once Roy tried to take another Magic Energy Growth Potion, that painful swelling appeared again.

This made Roy realize that his current magic power seemed to have reached a limit.

In fact, as early as when his magic power reached about three thousand, Roy noticed that the number of magic power nodes in his body no longer increased with the increase of his magic power. That meant that the magic power circuit possessed by the frost demon bloodline had been completely constructed in Roy’s body.

But this situation had not attracted Roy’s attention at that time…

The bodies of demons were special. They used their hearts as the energy center for magic power, and then they used the magic power nodes all over their bodies to form a unique, network-like magic power circuit. Magic power was a type of invisible and intangible energy, and it did not have any attributes at all. When demons cast magic, magic power first poured out from their hearts and quickly transferred through each magic power node. After activating the entire magic power circuit, the attributeless magic power would transform into elemental energy and finally form magical energy with an attribute.

Take Roy for example. The Magic Energy Growth Potions he produced using the energy of souls was actually pure, attributeless magic power. After consuming the Magic Energy Growth Potions, Roy’s body would absorb the magic power within and store it in his heart. This was the so-called growth of magic power. This was the so-called growth of magic power. Roy’s magic power circuit was Dark Cold, which could be regarded as a kind of mutated magic power circuit and different from the ones of other frost demons. When he wanted to activate ice magic, magic power would quickly surge out from his heart, activate his mutated magic power circuit, and transform the attributeless magic power into magic power with both the dark and frost attributes. The description of this process might be rather verbose, but it was actually completed in a rather short amount of time. It could be said that it was so fast that it was almost impossible to detect, almost instinctively.

This way, Roy could use the Dark Cold energy as he wanted…

The same was true for other demons, whether they were demons using flame powers or dark powers. Different demon bloodlines brought about different magic power circuits.

Roy’s problem now was that there was nothing wrong with his entire magic power circuit, but it seemed like the magic power volume of his heart had reached its limit.

Roy unconsciously wagged his tail and touched his demon horns as he started to ponder.

During this period of time, Roy did not know if it was an illusion or not, but he felt that his demon horns were becoming better and better to the touch, especially the parts close to his head. They felt warm, as though he was touching a warm piece of jade. Whenever he had this feeling, Roy could not help but want to get a mirror to take care of them and see if they were already patinating…

Having said that, he had come into contact with many demons in the middle Abyss, and he found that many demons cared a lot about their demon horns. Both male and female demons were like this. Unless absolutely necessary, they would not use their demon horns as weapons…

Hmm, it seems like we’ve digressed. Roy stopped letting his thoughts wander and began to consider how to solve his current situation.

Clearly, a magic power value of five thousand was not the limit. In Roy’s impression, high-rank demons like Xeron had a massive amount of magic power that definitely exceeded five thousand.

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