chapter 85: being seen

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Roy felt that César would never have thought that sacrificing his life to reactivate the Balotan Pillar during the cooling down period of his return and forcibly teleporting across worlds again would attract the attention of the demon lord!

Moreover, he would never have thought that Rogeros could trace the destination coordinates of the Gate of the Abyss he used to teleport…

In fact, it was normal for a middle-rank demon to be far from the level of a demon lord. Thus, it was fundamentally impossible for him to understand how powerful a demon lord was.

The Gates of the Abyss were set up by these high-level demons, so how could they not know how they operated?

If César knew what happened afterward, he would never have given up his body so easily…

As for Roy, he felt that the mission was quite troublesome. He had wasted so much time only to still let César escape. But at the same time, Roy was very curious. He wanted to know why César was so adamant about fleeing to another world. Even if he feared Demon Lord Rogeros, he should not be so afraid that he would hide forever. The Abyss was so vast that it was not as though Rogeros was the only demon lord. Would it not be possible to steel himself to serve another demon lord for protection?

Or was he worried that his status as a middle-rank demon was too low and that it would be impossible for the demon lord to protect his life, so he steeled himself and staked everything on this?

Roy did not know what César was thinking. But after careful consideration, he felt that César’s action of using the Balotan Pillar to travel to another world was similar to him leaving the Dragon Balls in the Heroes of Might and Magic world! Both of them were an escape route.

What was different was that Roy could make what he wanted through the system, but César could not, so he could only take the risk of offending the demon lord to steal it… This made Roy realize that even middle-rank demons could still not be considered free…

Strength, strength, strength was everything in the Abyss!

The mist of the Gate of the Abyss dissipated, and Roy appeared with Fat Tiger. The moment he appeared, he immediately felt the will of the world!

Every world had its own self-protection mechanism, and there would be instinctive repulsion for existences that came from other worlds. This was the principle of a world’s repulsive power, but the laws of a world were not necessarily perfect. When the intelligent beings of a world mastered a certain degree of mysticism, they could open a passage through space on their own. The world itself could not stop this, which was the origin of the summoning ceremony.

At the same time, powerful beings could forcefully open this kind of spatial passage. Of course, this was not easy, so even powerful beings rarely did this.

Roy could feel that the repulsive force of this world was stronger than that of the Heroes of Might and Magic world, but it was lower than that of the Van Helsing world, which meant that this world was not a low-magic world, but it was a high-magic world either.

Using his magic power, Roy began resisting the repulsive force and then estimated how long he could stay in this world based on the consumption of his magic power.

The conclusion was about thirty days. If Roy could not find César in this month, then he would have to find someone from this world to sign a demon contract with.

Roy looked around and found himself in a pile of rubble!

It was night time, but with his dark vision, Roy could still see the appearance of the ruins clearly. It seemed to be a village, but there were no signs of life now. A large number of collapsed walls and houses formed countless rubble and wood, piling up together in messes. And in these messes were many human household goods. Roy rummaged around and found some kettles, washbasins, and clothes. This meant that this world was at least a civilized society, and there were already light industrial products, but he seldom saw electronic products.

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