chapter 108: another deal

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C108 - Another Deal

Although this ship had changed to a Frozen Ghost Ship, its nature had not changed much. Since Roy and Cassandra hated sunlight, Roy had frozen the ship not only to create a sense of mystery but also to use the temperature difference on it to create fog to block the sunlight. As such, the entire ship was actually covered in a thin layer of fog, and only by approaching it could you see the Frozen Ghost Ship clearly.

By the time you discovered this ship, you were already very close to it. It felt like a ghost that appeared and disappeared, which was why the people of the Caribbean Sea called this ship a ghost ship.

People who sailed on the Caribbean Sea, be it pirates or merchants, had already learned their lesson. Once they discovered any fog at sea, they would subconsciously think that the Frozen Ghost Ship had appeared and immediately choose to detour. If they really could not avoid it, they would carefully stop the ship and wait until they had thoroughly observed the fog before advancing.

Everyone avoided the Frozen Ghost Ship. Because of this, when Roy saw that someone had taken the initiative to look for the Frozen Ghost Ship, he was naturally very surprised.

In particular, Roy recognized this person at a glance. Jack Sparrow…

To be honest, Roy was a little stunned when he saw Jack Sparrow because he greeted him warmly!

He was rowing a small boat. As he passed through the fog and approached the Frozen Ghost Ship, he waved his hands at the ship and shouted, “Hey! Wait! Help!”

Fat Tiger was the first to hear the sound. He leaned his heads over the side of the ship and looked at Jack Sparrow. When Jack Sparrow saw Fat Tiger, he was even happier. He looked up at Fat Tiger and shouted, “Dog! Good dog! Could you lower the rope ladder and let me up?”

Fat Tiger tilted his three heads. He did not understand why this guy who looked a little crazy did not fear him but wanted to board the ship.

At this moment, Cassandra also floated over. She stood beside Fat Tiger and looked down at Jack Sparrow with a cold face. Err, it could not be said that she had a cold face because Cassandra had no face, only a skeleton, so she had no expression.

She was staring at Jack Sparrow. Being stared at like this by a skeleton, a normal person’s hair would have stood on end. He would not be able to stand it and would want to turn around and flee, but Jack Sparrow did not. Instead, he took off his captain’s hat and gave a gentlemanly bow. “Ma’am, I’m so happy to see you!”

Cassandra was at a loss as to what to do. Although she was a terrifying lich in the eyes of the world, in her memories, she was still that teenage girl. When anyone saw her, they would either be afraid or want to kill her, but no one had ever greeted her like this.

Cassandra could not help but turn around and look at Roy, who was sitting in a huge frozen chair on the deck.

“Let him come up!” Roy was a little speechless. It seemed that Jack Sparrow was as bold as the rumors said. He actually took the initiative to find the ship where the demon, hellhound, and lich were. However, he was also curious about what Jack Sparrow wanted to do…

Roy, who lacked navigation knowledge, did not realize how difficult it was to find his Frozen Ghost Ship in the vast sea…

Fat Tiger lowered the frozen rope ladder from the side of the ship. Jack Sparrow looked at the rope ladder and carefully stepped on it with one foot to test it. After realizing that it would not break, he climbed up the rope ladder.

After arriving on the deck, Fat Tiger naturally leaned forward and sniffed Jack Sparrow. Roy could tell that when Fat Tiger moved, Jack Sparrow was very nervous, and his entire body was tense. But after realizing that Fat Tiger had no intention of attacking him, he relaxed and waved his hand gently, carefully trying to shoo Fat Tiger away.

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