Returning Home

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All was dark in the Underswap house. Carrot hasn't went in since Blue went missing. It's been years since he went missing and nobody knew where he went or why he left. Most believe that the little Sans was kiddnapped. He would never leave the people he cared about most. But nobody actually knew what happened or where he was. He was simply MIA... until now. In the little berries room, sparks of magic flickered and a portal glitched open, large enough for two figures to step through. The smaller of the two clutched a puppet close to his chest. "THANKS FOR EVERYTHING ERROR, THANKS FOR GIVING ME A CHANCE TO GO BACK HOME." The other figure, Error, smiled and pressed a quick kiss onto the smaller's cheekbone. ("of course blueberry. keep the doll close and everything will be ok.") "o-of cou-rse b-lue-ber-ry. k-ee-p th-e do-ll clo-se an-d ever-yth-ing w-ill be o-ok." Blueberry's smile faltered a tad. "RIGHT... I WILL KEEP IT SAFE UNTIL A MORE PERMANENT SOLUTION ARISES!" He agreed with Error. ("have a good time, blue. love you.") "ha-ve a g-oo-d tim-e, b-lue. lo-ve y-y-you." Blue blushed and pressed a kiss to Error's teeth. "LOVE YOU TOO. DON'T GET INTO TO MUCH TROUBLE!" Error laughed as he went through the portal and let it close.


Blue tried to wake Carrot up, but Carrot wasn't home. Time was hard to tell in the Anti-Void and he wasn't exactly all there for much of the time he was in there. The whole thing had been one big misunderstanding. Blue hadn't meant to be dragged into the Anti-Void with Error. His foot had got caught on some of Error's strings while Error was fleeing and one thing had led to another. Blue had helped Error through some stuff, they'd bonded, then Error had helped Blue through some stuff. At some point they'd ended up a couple. An unlikely couple, but a couple nonetheless. There'd been some complications in the Anti-Void that had forced their hand and Blue had to go home. Which was why he was here now, leaving the house and heading to Muffet's. He knew where the spider woman let a spare so that Blue could pick Carrot up on one of his 'bad days'. He used this key to get in and go to the spare bedroom she had in the back. It was there that he found his brother. "PAPYRUS GET UP YOU LAZYBONES!!!"


"where even were you anyway? why didn't you come home?" Carrot was beyond happy that Blue was back, but he was scared as to why he was gone so long. Not to mention the Error doll. That could never be a good sign. The magenta and blue eyes on the doll seemed to sparkle with life. It's smile was blue rather than yellow, it had purple and blue arms. It was an error for sure, but it didn't look like Error. "IT'S A LITTLE COMPLICATED... BUT JUST KNOW I WON'T BE LEAVING AGAIN FOR A VERY, VERY LONG TIME!" Blue promised his brother. Carrot looked confused and weary. "does it have anything to do with that thing?" Blue looked down at the doll. "SORTA. AGAIN, IT'S COMPLICATED." Carrot huffed, annoyed with his lack of answers. "can you at least leave it in your room or something? it's pretty freaky." Blue shook his head. "SORRY PAP, BUT IT HAS TO STAY IN THE SAME ROOM AS ME." When the hell had Blue gotten so vague in his explanation anyways? He used to be so straightforward. What happened in the years he was gone?

Voodoo (Errorberry)Where stories live. Discover now