A Mistake Made

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Blue and Dream set to checking the puzzles that Blue realized hadn't been recalibrated in years. He made sure to keep Blueberror in his line of sight though, making the job all the harder for the three worried Sanses. "blue, if you don't mind me asking, what's so important about your doll?" Dream asked, tempted to just shoot it. Blue could be free of whatever was going on if he did that, but he didn't know the consequences either. That's why they had to take this situation carefully. Blue debated his answer very carefully. "THE PERSON WHO SAVED ME GAVE IT TO ME AS A GIFT." It wasn't a complete lie, more of a truth than anything. Dream narrowed his sockets. "who saved you. saved you from what?" Blue started to visibly sweat. "I-I- YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE ME IF I TOLD YOU. THIS PERSON... HE SAVED ME... FROM MYSELF." Dream looked confused. "saved you from yourself. how?" Blue averted his gaze. "I WAS BECOMING SOMETHING I WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE." Dream only served to look more confused. "blue-"
"WHERE'S BLUEBERROR?!" Dream had succeeded in his mission. "maybe it got buried?" The name, Blueberror. It gave Dream an uneasy feeling.


Meanwhile with Ink and Stretch

They were quick to take the doll away from Blue and bring it home. "what do we do now?" Stretch glanced at the unsettling thing. He didn't know it, but Blueberror was crying out to Blue, relaying their location to him. "we should destroy it, break whatever link blue has to error." Ink replied blankly. "is that a good idea? what if it makes things worse..?" Stretch asked hesitantly. "you heard blue out there. he thinks error saved him. as long as he has that doll, he will continue to think that and worse." Ink took out a purple vial. "i'll do it myself." Blueberror was pleading for Ink not too, but like usual, nobody could hear the doll but Blue. "i'll do it. he's my brother, this is my fault.." Stretch summoned a blaster to burn it. "error's my responsibility though." Ink pointed out. "blue was supposed to be in our care." Ink dumped the vial on the doll just as Blue burst in, horror etched on his face. "PUT IT OUT, PUT IT OUT!!!" Dream grabbed hold of Blue as Stretch finished the job, disintegrating Blueberror with a blaster. Blue looked horrified. Horrified and betrayed.


"W-WHAT HAVE YOU DONE.." Stretch stepped forward. "i'm sorry blue, it was for your own good." Blue clenched his fists. "MY OWN G-OOD?! N-NOW I HAV-E TO LEAVE! TH-A-AT WAS M-Y LAST CH-ANCE!" Blue panicked at the glitch already starting in his voice and bolted out the door. He wasn't going to let the others watch him become Blueberror. As he ran, errors started appear along with glitches and his gloves, pants, and armor were turning black and his bandana and boots were turning red. His skull turned black with three stars appearing near his right eye while one appeared near his left. His smile turned baby blue and his nasal area and sockets turned dark blue, along with his shirt. His eyelights became yellow and magenta and his arms became magenta and blue. He'd stopped running. Why was he running again..? ("WHEN DID I LEAVE THE ANTI-VOID?") "W-HE-N DI-D I-I LE-AV-E TH-E AN-TI-VO-ID?" Blueberror asked in confusion. What au was he in right now? ("HOW STRANGE..") "H-HOW ST-RAN-GE.." He was going to have to find a way out of the woods, he didn't exactly have portaling down yet. Blueberror summoned his strings. ("LET'S SEE WHERE THE WAY OUT IS!") "LE-TS S-EE WH-ERE THE W-AY OU-T IS!"

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