("ERROR, ERROR, ERROR, LOOK, LOOK, LOOK! ISN’TIT SO CUTE?! DID I DO GOOD?!") "E-RR-OR, ERR-OR, L-OOK, L-OO-K, LO-OK! I-SN-T IT S-SO CU-TE?! D-ID I D-O GOO-D?!" Error chuckled and looked over to see Blueberror's little knitted bandana. It's been like this since they started, every time the excitable glitch finished something, he wanted to show Error. It honestly shocked Stretch and Dream how patient Error was with Blueberror. Then again, they were dating. ("great job, babe. i will sew it onto the doll when i'm done with his eyes.") "gr-ea-t jo-b, ba-be. i-i wi-l-l s-ew it on-to th-e do-ll w-hen i-m do-ne w-ith h-is e-ye-s." Error promised as he adjusted his glasses and turned back to the doll. Blueberror beamed and put the tiny cloth next to the tiny shirt, tiny shoulder pads, tiny pants, tiny gloves, and tiny boots. ("WHAT SHOULD I DO NOW..?") "W-WH-AT SH-OU-LD I D-DO NO-W..?"
("lunch sounds nice.") "lun-ch so-und-s n-ice." Error responded as he stitched a pupil in. Blueberror was up and running to the kitchen. Error's eyelights trailed after him before refocusing on his intent and sewing.❤️🩹❤️🩹❤️🩹
Blueberror came in with tacos just as Error was sewing on the last star on the Blueberror dolls face. ("i just need to dress him and we can begin the sealing.") "i-i ju-st n-ee-d to dre-ss hi-m a-nd we ca-n be-gin t-he se-al-ing." Error picked up a taco. ("food first.") "foo-d fi-rst." The boys groaned, wanting Blueberry back. ("HAVE PATIENCE, FRIENDS! YOU CAN'T RUSH PERFECTION. ") "H-AVE PAT-IEN-CE, FRI-ENDS! Y-OU CA-N-T RU-SH PERF-ECT-ION." Blueberror chided, offering the duo tacos. With a sigh, they took up the food. Blueberror smiled wider. "mmm! this is great blueberror! you've improved!" Error raised a brow. ("i taught him a lot in the anti-void. cooking included.") "i-i tau-ght hi-m a-lot in t-he an-ti-vo-id. c-oo-k-ing in-clu-ded." The glitch mused, finishing his taco. As soon as he cleaned up, he was dressing the doll, stitching the clothes onto Blueberror the doll. In the span of a minute, he was finished. He put the doll down before his worry could cling to it. He was worried that he messed up somehow, what if he failed and everyone hated him again? What if Blueberror hated him for being unable to fix him? What if- He nearly crashed as arms encircled him, just for a moment. ("YOU'RE OVERTHINKING AGAIN.") "Y-OU-RE OVE-R THIN-KING AGA-IN."
("you... you can touch it now..") "y-ou... yo-u c-an tou-ch it no-w.." Error invited Blueberror, giving him a thankful, yet nervous, smile. It was the moment of truth. Would he be resealed? Would it fail? Blueberror didn't hesitate to squeeze the life out of his doll counterpart. ("IT'S SOOOOOO CUTE! I... LOVE IT...... WHY DO I FEEL DIZZY...?") "I-T-S S-SOOO-OOO CU-TE! I-I... L-LO-VE I-T...... WH-Y DO I-I FEEL DI-ZZ-Y...?" Stretch took a hesitant step forward as Blueberror's grip loosened on the doll. "uh... you ok there..?" Before there very eyes, his colors started to revert back to normal. He leaned back on the couch, shrugging. ("I'M FINE, SEE?") "I-I-M FI-NE, SEE?" The glitch faded from his voice and Blueberry groaned. "What happened...? I've got a headache.." He tried to think for a moment before jolting up. "BLUEBERROR- OW-OW.." Error touched Blue, gaining his attention. ("calm down, he's in your lap...") "ca-lm do-wn, he-s in y-our la-p..." Blue looked down, then at Error. "YOU FIXED ME AGAIN, THANK YOU!!!" The little guy gave Error a small hug and kiss before pulling away. "i'll never get used to that.." Stretch commented.
1 chapter left
Voodoo (Errorberry)
FanfictionAfter Blue's "kidnapping" Blue is returned with an Error doll. Everyone thinks it's creepy, but what happens if it's taken away or destroyed? Then there's a whole new problem.