Something to get used to

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It took some getting used to for everyone. Errorberry. Error and Blueberry as a couple. Error being around Underswap. Blue loving Error. It was a lot. Especially for the Star Sanses who had saw Error as the enemy for so long. Ink was still all out rejecting the idea with Dream trying to get him past his little dilemma for Blue's sake. The doll wasn't touched. They didn't want a repeat of what happened. For that Blue, Error, and Blueberror was grateful. "ERROR, HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT ADOPTING SOMEDAY? I MEAN, NOT NOW, BUT SOMEDAY." Stretch nearly choked on his honey as he heard that from the kitchen. ("is children what you want?") "i-is chi-ldr-en wh-at y-ou wa-nt?" Error asked, looking at a slightly blushing Blue. "SOMEDAY, YES, I WOULD LIKE A FAMILY WITH YOU. BUT WITH YOUR PHOBIA, I DON'T WANT TO MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE.." Error gave his mate a small kiss on his cheek. ("i would love to start a family with you someday... adopting would be nice.") "i wou-ld lo-o-ve to sta-rt a fa-mil-y wi-th yo-u som-eda-y... ado-ptin-g w-ou-ld be n-ice." Oh boy, Stretch needed to sit down.


Error put on Undernovela after that particular conversation. Blue sitting as close as he could without triggering the glitch. "blueberry! error!" Dream opened the door, dragging Ink in with him. "ink has something to say to you!" The artist was grumbling quietly, clearly not happy. Error was clearly enjoying it, a smug looking smirk on his face. (what do you have to say, ink~") "w-hat d-do yo-u hav-e t-to s-ay, in-k~" Error purred. "DON'T BE MEAN, ERROR." Blue crossed his arms. ("i am not... i've just been waiting for this for a long time.") "i-i am no-t... i-ve ju-st b-ee-n wa-it-ing f-or t-his fo-r a lon-g t-ime." They both looked to Ink who, after seeing the hopeful, pleading look on Blueberry's face, deflated. "fine... i'm sorry for being a jerk all this time."
"and?" Dream quirked a brow. "i'll stop creating so you can stop destroying.."
"AND?" Ink glanced at Blue. "i will play nice..?"
("and?") "a-and?" Ink gave an exasperated sigh. "i will try to get along with you because i care about blueberry as a friend." They all gave satisfied smiles as Ink breathed in relief.

I will end that there. Shout out to AnOuterAurora who has plenty of interesting aus. I suggest checking them out!

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