Blueberror stared almost creepily at the Star Duo and his old brother. He didn't mean to look so creepy, it was just part of being an error. "how do we fix this? the doll is gone?" Dream asked. "there is one person we can ask." Stretch replied, looking to Blueberror before just as quickly looking away. He was downright terrifying looking at them like that. "oh no. we are not going to him." Ink denied. "but he helped blue once. he can do it again." Stretch argued. ("WHO EVER HE IS SOUNDS NICE.") "W-HO EV-ER HE I-IS SOU- NDS N-ICE." Blueberror added in. "dream, surely you think this is a terrible idea?" Ink looked to Dream who was thinking on their options. "sh! let me think, ink.." Dream looked at Blueberror who gave a friendly smile and wave. Did he even remember them? "blueberror?" The little glitch perked, happy to be addressed. "do you remember your life before? as blueberry?" Blueberror rocked on his heels as the three gave him expectant looks. ("SORT OF..? I KNOW I HAD A BROTHER AND THAT I PROTECTED THE MULTIVERSE...") "S-ORT OF..? I-I KN-OW I HA-D A BRO-THE-R A-ND THA-T I PRO-TEC-TED TH-E MUL-TI-VER-SE..." He tapped his chin. ("YOU ARE INK AND DREAM, RIGHT? THE STAR SANSES? I THINK I WORKED WITH YOU... MAYBE..") "Y-YOU AR-E I-NK A-AND DRE-AM, RI-GHT? TH-E ST-AR SAN-SES? I TH-INK I WORK-ED WI-TH YOU... MA-YBE.." Dream nodded. "You did blue, and you are very good at it."
("WERE") "W-ERE." Dream looked at Blueberror who was looking off in the distance. "excuse me?" Dream asked in confusion. ("YOU WERE VERY GOOD AT IT.") "Y-OU WE-RE VER-Y G-OO-D AT I-IT." His focus snapped Back to Dream as he gave him a sad smile. ("I COULD NEVER CONTINUE, THE WAY I AM NOW. PEOPLE WOULD FEAR ME. MONSTERS WOULD FEAR ME.") "I COU-LD N-EVER CON-TIN-UE, TH-E W-AY I A-AM N-NOW. PEO-PLE W-OUL-D FE-AR ME. MON-STE-RS WOU-LD F-EAR M-E." Stretch reached out to Blueberror. "don't give up on what you love..." Blueberror shook his head, perking up again. ("I DIDN'T! I HELP AROUND IN THE OMEGA TIMELINE NOW!") "I DIDN-T! I-I HE-LP AR-OU-ND IN TH-E OME-GA T-TIM-ELI-NE-E NO-W!" Ink scoffed, though Blueberror either didn't notice or didn't care. "and what did your boss think about that? Blueberror tilted his head. "B-OSS?" Dream gave Ink a warning look. "he's talking about error." Blueberror laughed and didn't stop.
He laughed and laughed and laughed, unsettling everyone. "b-bro..?" Stretch called to him hesitantly. Blueberror finally stopped laughing, wiping away a fake tear. ("ERROR IS NOT MY BOSS.") "E-RR-OR IS N-OT MY-Y BO-SS." Dream sighed in relief. ("HE'S MY BOYFRIEND. ") "HE-S M-Y BOY-FRI-END." Stretch choked on air while Ink screeched "what?!" Blueberror again ignored their reactions. ("WE WERE ALONE TOGETHER FOR YEARS. HOW ARE YOU SURPRISED?") "W-WE WER-E ALO-NE T-OGE-THE-R FO-R YEA-RS. H-OW AR-E Y-OU SUR-PRIS-ED?" Dream shook his head, "how... how did that come about..?" Blueberror gestured to himself. ("THIS. ERRY HELPED ME THROUGH THIS AND I HELPED HIM THROUGH SOME LIFE ISSUES HE WAS HAVING. THINGS KINDA JUST... CLICKED FOR US. ERROR WILL SURELY COME TO CHECK ON ME SOON. MAYBE HE CAN HELP YOU TOO?") "TH-IS. ER-RY HEL-PED ME THR-OUGH TH-IS A-ND I HE-LPE-D HI-M THRO-UGH S-OME LI-FE ISS-UES H-E W-AS HA-VING. TH-ING-S K-IND-A J-UST... C-LICK-ED FO-R US. E-RR-OR W-ILL SU-RE-LY CO-ME T-TO CHE-CK O-ON ME S-OO-N. M-AYB-E HE C-AN H-ELP YO-U T-OO?" Dream and Stretch looked at Ink who already knew what they were thinking and was pouting about it. "we would love error's help." Stretch replied.
Voodoo (Errorberry)
FanfictionAfter Blue's "kidnapping" Blue is returned with an Error doll. Everyone thinks it's creepy, but what happens if it's taken away or destroyed? Then there's a whole new problem.