A new family

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Clint stared at Steve in shock as he listened to the things he had seen or heard during his hospital stay. He was an omega, but he had been lucky enough to grow up in a family that never questioned his right to go to college or his job as a journalist. That's why it hurt him so much to know that other omegas were living locked up in this hospital for simply trying to claim the place they really wanted in society. That's why he didn't hesitate for a moment to help Steve in the first place.

"Clint, you look pale. Do you want me to stop talking?"

"I think so. I mean, I know I should listen to it, I want to, but it's really hard. I don't know how you managed to spend a whole month here, I've been here an hour and I already feel nauseous."

"Well, I've made good friends here. They make everything more enjoyable."

Clint smiled, but the expression didn't reach his eyes.

"Before you go, I need you to do something for me," the blond added.

"Sure. What do you need?"

"We have to track down Dr. Bruce Banner. He used to work here but was laid off less than a month ago, and I need to talk to him. You have to find him, find out why he left here."

"Uhm... Do you want me to interview him or do you want me to ask permission for you to interview him?"

"No, no, Clint. I not only want an interview, I want to be in contact with him. You know, in case we need his help."

"I don't understand. Why would you need his help? Steve, please tell me you're not planning something else." The omega's expression grew more severe.

Steve stammered before replying. "Well, I... the thing is... I've been thinking about it and I think we have to do something else, not just write the story."

Clint sighed, annoyed. "What are you talking about?"

"We have to help the patients of this hospital. I'm not sure the article is going to make a difference... I mean, I'm worried it won't. I am worried about these people, I need to do something."

"Steve, WHAT THE HELL..."

With gestures, the alpha asked Clint to lower his voice, reminding him that they were in a visiting room, inside the hospital.

The omega sighed, trying to calm down without success. So he continued to whisper, though his anger was evident with every word. "Listen, you can't play cop here, you're not a cop, Steve! What we are doing is ALREADY dangerous, don't make it more complicated. Please."

"I have to do it, Clint. If not, I won't be able to get him out of here."

The omega turned to see him with irony. "Get him out of here? Who? I thought we were speaking in the plural?"

"Uh, I... yes, we are speaking in the plural."

Come on, I'm not stupid. I know your intentions are good, but who in particular do you want to get out of here?"

Steve sighed. "Bucky."

"Bucky? Who's Bucky?"

"The omega I told you about, who Rumlow hurt. He is my witness, I have to take care of him, you know that."

"Yeah, sure, 'take care of him,'" Clint said sarcastically. "You feel attracted to him, right?"

"What?! No, of course not... Well, yes, a little."

"Steve, this is literally what couldn't happen, what DID NOT HAVE to happen. We're dead."

"You say that because you don't know him. He's... too good to be here. He is such a sweet person, so caring, so intelligent. He's interested in so many things, he has so much desire to live. He doesn't deserve this."

"Now I get it, dude. You're fucking in love with him. We're so dead."

"You have to understand me."

"I understand you, but do you think the psychopaths who run this hospital will understand you? And if, by any chance, we survive them, do you think Peggy will let us get on with our jobs?"

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