To forgive

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It took Bucky a couple more days to fully recover from the unexpected heat he suffered, although the worst symptoms had been suppressed in hospital. The omega had refused to stay in bed all the time but he still didn't feel strong enough to go out, so he spent his time between the couch and sitting in the dining room to watch Steve as he cooked.

Steve only went out once to buy groceries, but it didn't take him an hour. He felt like he couldn't spend time away from Bucky. He knew that the omega could take care of himself and his condition was much better, but he couldn't shake the need to take care of him. It was as if that instinct, the one that kicked in the night Steve rescued him, had kept awake permanently.

The brunette felt very optimistic, more than he had been since his sister was alive. He was ready to take his life back and look for a job; the most he liked was teaching and it was time to do it again. He knew that even if it took him a while to move on, Steve would be with him. He knew that the blond didn't see him as someone inferior for being an omega and that he wouldn't allow someone to harm him again.

It wasn't uncommon for Bucky to want hugging Steve all the time or using him as a human blanket at night. After all, he had always been a caring person. But now he seemed to anticipate Steve's needs: from a cup of tea or another portion of food, to taking a pill because he "was about to catch a cold." The alpha was not bothered by this but quite the opposite, although it was still strange.

The first person who noticed something strange about the couple was Darcy. She and Jane visited them one afternoon before the three of them met with Maria Hill to discuss the upcoming trial.

"Why do you guys smell the same?" The omega asked, before her jaw dropped for a second. "Oh my God, are you already...?"

"Nooo, why do you think that?" Steve answered nervously, while Bucky blushed.

"Well, clearly there was scent marking here... Normally that's accompanied by... you know... a bite."

"We just got carried away, and it happened," Steve shrugged. "But I couldn't be happier, I feel closer to him and... I think it's something very special. I never thought that someone like him would want to be attached to me in such a way."

The brunette didn't answer, just smiled sweetly at Steve and took his face in his hands to kiss him quickly. His eyes sparkled.


Bucky knew that sooner or later he'd have to face the things he experienced in the hospital, make peace with his past. But for a moment, Maria Hill's words affected him as if he had never been out of it.

"You three will have to testify in front of Valentina Allegra de Fontaine and Brock Rumlow. Right now you are the most important witnesses we have. I'm sorry, James, I know it's hard for you."

Steve's hand entwined with his and the grip around his shoulders was the only thing keeping him from a panic attack at the moment. Bucky didn't even want to imagine what his next encounter with the two people who had hurt him for months would be like.

As the voices around him became meaningless noise, a soothing thought came to the brunette's mind: how could he free himself from the past if he didn't face those people, if he didn't take away their power forever? Within seconds, adrenaline washed over him.

"Are you okay, babe?" Steve looked at him worried, while he patted his back to calm him down.

Bucky smiled. "I'll do it. I am ready to do it."

A proud-alpha scent wafted into his nose, and Steve kissed Bucky's forehead fondly. He was also holding hands with Darcy, who was surely having his own internal battle.

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