Invisible string

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If he closed his eyes while kissing Bucky, Steve felt as if something inside him recognized the brunette, as if he knew that one day he would find him. It was like being nostalgic for a moment that had never happened. At that moment he couldn't even find words in his mind to explain it.

The skin on Bucky's neck was soft and warm. The blond could feel on his lips the constant pulse of his partner and, every few seconds, how he swallowed hard. The scent of sea breeze was sweeter and more intense than before; it was addictive. He knew he should stay away from the scent gland, but it was getting harder and harder to ignore that spot that it seemed to call his name.

The brunette's arms were around Steve's neck and his hands were caressing his hair anxiously. From time to time, the omega took his face with both hands and pulled him to kiss him on the mouth, hot and urgent.

Steve used his hands to explore his partner's body. He ran his fingers over his shoulders, biceps, pecs and his abs, pretty defined for an omega. Bucky had thrown his head back and was moaning softly.

The alpha was about to kiss him on the lips again when a stream of slick met his thighs and alerted his senses. Then, as if an instinct superior to him asked him to, he quickly ran his lips over the omega's body, from his pectorals to his cock. He wanted to stay there, but the desire to get to the point where the slick came from was much stronger.

Bucky spread his legs and placed them over Steve's shoulders. The slick had spread up the brunette's thighs and it was practically irresistible to lick the trace of it.

"You're really sweet, just how I imagined, baby," Steve said. The omega answered that with a groan.

He finally found it. The omega's hole wet, pink and ready to be filled. He ran his tongue over and over for a couple of minutes, while the omega's legs trembled on his shoulders, and the alpha held them so they wouldn't fall suddenly.

By this time, his knot had already popped and his cock ached with anticipation. It was almost time.

Steve sat up for a moment so he could look Bucky in the eye. "Are you sure about this?" He whispered, as if it was a secret they had to keep from non-existent bystanders.

The omega nodded. "Yes, I am," he said with difficulty. More slick had sprouted from his body.

Slowly, the alpha inserted a finger into the hole, which accepted it greedily while the omega held his breath. Steve looked up to check on the omega's well-being, but a moan escaped his own mouth uncontrollably at the image before him: Bucky kept his eyes closed and his lips forming the most perfect "o", while a few drops of sweat ran down his neck. "You 're such a sight, baby," he whispered without realizing it.

Within a few minutes Steve was able to insert two and finally three fingers. "Alpha, please," the omega exclaimed with difficulty, asking him to fill him.

With all the care that he could, the alpha inserted his knot into the body of the omega. Bucky suddenly whimpered and Steve gasped, unable to control his movements any longer. For the first time they were united, body and soul.

At first the thrusts were urgent and uncontrolled. The omega lightly scratched the alpha's back and clumsily kissed his shoulders, leaving a trail of saliva. His moans had gotten a little higher pitched.

"You feel so good," the omega said between ragged breaths. The alpha responded with a kiss on the lips of his partner; although, rather than kissing him, he breathed into his mouth because at that moment it was really hard to concentrate.

Little by little, their movements synchronized. The scent of sea breeze and vanilla coconut had created a relaxed and sweet atmosphere, like a romantic beach vacation.

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