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"What the fuck were you thinking hitting a nurse?" Was the question Peggy asked, after yelling at Steve for more than 5 minutes for putting himself at risk, for having the idea for this article and also for convincing her to send him to the asylum in the first place.

"It was an emergency."

"Couldn't you wait another day? Clint was planning on going to get you out today!"

"That wasn't an option. Bucky was in danger."

"Don't make me start on the 'Bucky situation'. Clint already told me and that only makes me angrier with you. You're a professional, Steve! Or at least I thought so."

"I know, and I'm sorry for causing you trouble. But I don't regret the rest."

Peggy gestured desperately, her face red with anger. But no words came out of her mouth. She finally gave up and moved away from Steve a little, trying to calm down.

"Give her a moment, she thinks you're her responsibility," Clint whispered. "How's Bucky?"

"I don't know, the doctor is still checking on him. He was semiconscious at first, they drugged him. And he's in heat."

"He'll be fine, don't worry. And he... he is alone with a doctor?"

"Jane is there too. She is a nurse, she helped us escape. Besides, the doctor is an omega. They sent an alpha first, but Bucky freaked out."

"How do you know?"

"I felt his distress and went in, but they stopped me before I attacked the doctor. I'm not proud of it."

Clint laughed. "Oh my God, you're a caveman."

Steve laughed too, but stopped abruptly when Jane called his name.

"What happened, Jane? Can I see Bucky?"

"Yes, you can go and see him now. He asked you to come in."

The blond was about to make his way to the room, but the nurse stopped him.

"Wait. You can talk to him, but don't let him get too agitated. Remember he's in heat, he could be very vulnerable."

"Is he in danger?"

"No, he'll be okay. It's very likely that he'll be able to leave tomorrow, after the medications we gave him the heat symptoms are far below normal. It will pass almost without noticing. But actually I wanted to ask you... do you have a place where he can stay? He'll need a nest."

"Are you kidding? I can give him my whole apartment if he needs it."

Steve almost trotted to the bedroom door, but once there, he hesitated for a moment. He felt nervous. Would Bucky really want to see him?

"I know you're there, Stevie," a soft voice said from inside the room.

"Sorry," the alpha said as he entered.

The brunette greeted him with a sweet smile. He was a little pale and looked tired, but even now he didn't stop looking adorable.

"Hey," Steve said on a sigh, as if he didn't want to disturb the omega in the least. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm exhausted. I know it's stupid because I slept for so long, but I'm really tired."

"It's not stupid, you were in an extreme situation, of course you're exhausted."

"Yeah, about that... thank you for being there, Stevie. Thank you for saving me... again. I'm not sure if I'm worth all this and you put yourself at risk..."

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