Chapter I

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~Wednesday 4th May 2011~

"Inya?!" Emeri's voice rumbled through the halls as he stalked down toward his bedroom, loosening his tie along the way, no longer liking the subtle choking sensation it left on his skin. His face was set into a deep scowl, as it had been for the past week and a half. The maids he passed in the darkened hallways averted their gazes instantly, searching for anywhere else to look as he passed, trembling in his wake.

"Yes, Sire?" Inya, Emeri's favoured maid, appeared from one of the bedrooms that split off from one of the many halls in the maze of the castle. She was a younger woman, with ice blonde hair and dark brown eyes. Many of the other maids had been passed down through Emeri's family line, Inya had been brought in specifically by the man when he rose to power. She had been a whore in a tavern, Emeri liked her loyalty, her servitude. She would always be his favourite.

"Bring Onyx to my room," Emeri's demand was a simple one, yet Inya grimaced as always. She had never agreed with Emeri's practice, then again, not many did. However, she never once spoke out against him. She followed every command perfectly, another presentation of her loyalty to him. She had to be loyal to survive down there, after all, she worked for the devil, she didn't exactly have a simple job title.

"Of course, Sire, will you be needing anything?" Despite Emeri's long strides, Inya managed to keep up with him as he stalked down the hall, finally stopping at his bedroom and resting a hand on the doorknob. He thought for a moment, debating what tools he might choose that day, and whether he would need to have the doctor on call. Probably not, he wasn't aiming to bleed Onyx to death. Not that day anyway.

"No, just the boy. Thank you, Inya," Emeri glided into his room, closing the door behind him but not bothering to lock it. He may have been far superior to Inya, but he found no need to be rude to her. Staff tended to fear him less when he kept the beast caged. He hadn't been all too successful with that in recent days, however, and he knew all of whom crossed his path made the connection within seconds.

Emeri shrugged off his blazer, resting it over the chair in the corner of his room, endeavouring to remind Inya when she removed Onyx later on that his suit would need to be cleaned. She likely didn't need the prompt, since she had been working for Emeri long enough to know her routine, but he didn't mind. She seemed distant anyway, and Emeri always had a soft spot for her. Although, no one would ever know it.

Emeri was just unbuttoning his charcoal shirt when he heard the gentle knock on his door, knowing that would be Inya and Onyx. No member of staff, barely even any members of Emeri's blood, were allowed to enter his bedroom without express permission. That was one rule the man ensured would never be broken. Not without severe consequences. Hmm, the thought made his cock twitch.

"Enter," Emeri's voice was low, but he knew he needn't shout, not with the enhanced hearing of his demons. He barely had to raise his voice, that tended only to be as a sign of warning toward those stepping too far out of line.

The door swung open silently, with only the gentle pattering of two pairs of feet gracing the quiet. One bare, one heeled. Of course, Onyx need not wear much clothing, it would only get in the way, and Emeri didn't have the patience to deal with such trivialities. Emeri didn't bother to turn, continuing to tie up his long, ivory hair with a black ribbon, not wanting it to get in his way. It was a bitch to clean blood out of.

"You may go, Inya," Emeri dismissed the woman as he turned, finding Onyx standing just as he had been taught, he was irritatingly perfect, and that was too big of a problem to go into on such short notice, "tell my brothers I will be indisposed for..." Emeri mulled for a moment, his eyes drifting over the silken robe that Onyx adorned, "at least half an hour," Onyx's shoulders visibly sagged slightly, likely due to the relief. Poor boy probably thought he had done something wrong, since he had been summoned on such short notice. If only. Emeri was craving a good punishment session, he hadn't inflicted one for so long, it was beginning to weigh on him.

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