Chapter IV

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~Saturday 7th March 2011~

"Not so rough, baby," the boy purred when Emeri nicked his skin with his fangs, lapping at the blood that pooled in the crook of his neck before the water cascading around them could wash it away, "you know the rules, no markings," Emeri rolled his eyes, righting his posture and staring down at the flushed boy he towered over so easily, "hey, you didn't have to stop," the boy reached up, draping his arms around Emeri's shoulders, connecting them behind the man's neck, clearly trying to coax him back down for a kiss.

Emeri had never been so bored in all his eternity as he had been in the past four days. He didn't regret what he had done to Onyx, after all, the boy would have only made another attempt to escape and probably killed another maid. He deserved the death he received. Sadly, that left Emeri with no pets to entertain him, and only broken toys for his brothers to clean up.

Speaking of his brothers, Emeri hadn't seen much of Keanu and Mali recently, not in the past few days anyway. He believed Mali was sulking, due to his 'humiliation' in front of their younger siblings, and Keanu was probably still overviewing the cleaning and redecoration of the room that had been so beautifully spattered with blood and body parts. Rourke was the only one speaking to Emeri at the moment, and he was just as on edge as usual.

Rourke had been the one to suggest Emeri spend some time with high-end prostitutes from the Superficiem Mundi until the auction. The idea had piqued Emeri's interest to begin with, but he was more than thankful that he had only had to wait four days, rather than more. He was growing tired of being soft with the humans, they bored him.

"Something on your mind, baby?" Emeri continued to scowl down at the boy, at his bright eyes and coy smile. He was far too confident, he didn't submit like Emeri's pets, he wasn't the man's type. Not in the slightest. And he was beginning to grate on the man's nerves.

"Only that I want to rip your throat out," despite the boy's giggling, Emeri remained entirely serious.

"Your brother mentioned you had a dark sense of humour, I thought he might have been exaggerating," Emeri rested a hand on the boy's shoulder, pushing him down to his knees without another word, sick of his voice. Thankfully, the boy understood his place in that respect, wrapping a hand around the base of Emeri's stiffened cock and taking the head into his mouth. Emeri felt his muscles relax ever so slightly, but knew he would need something more than a throat to fuck to get him off.

He needed the boy to whine, to beg for mercy, to bleed. He wasn't partial to screamers, they were far too loud, but he liked to see the fear in his pet's eyes. Not true terror, but enough that he knew they would obey, that they were close to uttering 'stop', close enough to be startled by their own mortality like a deer in headlights.

Emeri curled a fistful of the boy's red hair into his hand, pulling it taught, pushing his member further into his mouth. He felt the boy gag against him, a gentle smirk finally taking precedence on his face. He held the boy's head still, fucking into his mouth with merciless strokes, feeling his pleasure bubbling higher every time he heard those pretty choking sounds.

Gripping the boy's arm, Emeri pulled him to his feet, pressing him up against the back wall. He buried his mouth in the boy's neck, listening to him mewl as he sucked dark marks onto his tanned skin, feeling his hands roam the man's bare torso. Emeri gasped the boy's wrists, pinning them against the wall above his head, before sinking his fangs into the soft flesh.

"Fuck! What the fuck are you doing?! Stop!" Emeri felt a rush of pleasure flow downward when he heard the agony in the boy's voice, the fear, "stop, please," Emeri knew the boy was crying, could feel the tears drip onto his shoulder as he squirmed, trying to break free from the man's grip. Emeri had barely drank a pint before he felt the boy's actions begin to grow weak. As much as he would like to drain him, that wasn't his aim. He wanted to retain some appetite for whoever he bought later on that evening.

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