Chapter XIX

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~Saturday 11th June 2011~

Emeri often found himself smiling as he watched Arlo sleep, finding that the boy had a way about him whilst he slumbered that the man found interesting. Something peaceful, relaxed, that he wouldn't have ever expected anyone to feel around him. Never had a human felt calm enough to sleep around him before. Usually, they were skittish, constantly flinching, tense. Yet, Arlo was the complete opposite.

Curled up against Emeri's side, with his head resting in the man's lap, Arlo slept perfectly. With gentle breaths leaving his lips, and quiet snores being the only sound gracing the man's ears, Emeri felt calm too. His muscles unwound, eyes even having closed for a few hours during the night. Of course, he couldn't sleep with the boy truly, not unless he consumed an ungodly amount of alcohol first, but it was nice enough to just be in the moment with him. That was enough.

Emeri had intended to work during the night, as he often did, however, Arlo was just too much of a distraction. Too many times during the evening had the man found himself drifting into some serene place in his mind whilst he gazed at the slumbering human. In the end, he gave in. His laptop sat forgotten on the bed by his feet, whilst Emeri merely watched Arlo, gazing down at him with an expression he hoped wasn't too severe.

He had thought about waking the boy a few hours ago, since he could feel his thirst clawing at the base of his throat, but decided against it. Of course, he had then scrutinised his decision for a long time, wondering why he had acted so selflessly. He shouldn't have cared about Arlo's slumber, he should have simply bitten the boy and not bothered as to whether he woke or not. However, he just couldn't.

He didn't want to disturb him, not when he was like that. He needed the sleep, and that was how Emeri rationalised his decision. He didn't want to push the boy to that same place he had before, he didn't want to risk hurting him seriously. He still remembered the fear that consumed him when Arlo had collapsed, the guilt that threatened to drown him afterwards too left just as much impression. He wouldn't forget that, it would haunt him.

"Hush, kitten," Emeri murmured when Arlo muttered something indiscernible in his sleep, running a hand through the boy's silken curls to soothe him. He had uttered phrases here and there throughout the night, which Emeri didn't find as irritating as he had assumed. It was almost endearing when the boy murmured his name too, he was dreaming of him, and Emeri hoped it was a pleasant experience.

Emeri wondered what his family would think, what his subjects and staff would wonder when they found out about his newfound relationship. His brothers would likely be pleased, Rourke and Keanu anyway, Mali might take some convincing. He had been scorned by love, he didn't have the heart to believe that it could last. Emeri could understand that, hence why he kept the man on a longer leash, compared to his other brothers anyway.

Rourke would want to know everything, he would babble on like an excited child, intent on learning the details of his brother's 'first love'. He was melodramatic like that, if the word could even really compare. Keanu would take it calmer. He was quiet in himself, and Emeri imagined that would follow through during the revelation. He hoped so anyway, Emeri would have enough to deal with with his other brothers, he didn't need all three overreacting.

"Were you here all night?" Emeri was roused from his thoughts by Arlo's drowsy voice, looking down at the boy to find his eyes open, yet still looking awfully tired.

"Mhmm," Arlo's lips curled into a lazy smile, a content sigh passing over them as he moved closer to Emeri, if that was even possible. He covered his mouth whilst he yawned, nuzzling his cheek against Emeri's thigh like some sort of dog, only broadening the man's smile.

"That's sweet," Arlo tugged on the covers around him, drawing them further up to his chin so they covered his shoulder too. Emeri had tried to keep him covered all night but it was quite the task when the boy squirmed about so much in his sleep.

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