Chapter XV

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~Friday 3rd June 2011~

Arlo hummed along with the slow song playing in his room as he turned the page of his book, entirely engrossed in the story unfolding before him. He hadn't done much else that day, not that he had many hobbies there in the castle, he simply had a lot of free time because Emeri didn't. When the man was busy, he didn't come looking for Arlo, he didn't bleed the boy, or get blown by him either. It almost felt like a day off to Arlo, which was bizarre enough in itself without the boy wishing for some company. Emeri's company.

Running his fingers over the smooth leather of the collar encircling his neck, Arlo lifted his head, staring at the wall opposite, finally focusing in on the lyrics of the song. It was some ballad about lost love, as they all were, yet it seemed to sound so different when Arlo actually listened. It was Viola's favourite song, that's why it hurt so much. It reminded Arlo of the hours she would play it in her room over and over, full volume, just to cause an argument with him. He missed that the most.

Folding the corner of his book, Arlo placed it on the bed beside where he had been curled up, before rising to his feet and walking over to the window. That had to be the aspect of his room that he was happiest about. He didn't use to have a window, not such an extensive one anyway. He liked to look out, at the fire and the agony and the carnage. It was strangely peaceful.

Arlo was aware that that was wrong. He should have been terrified to look out of the window, he should be avoiding it at all costs, and yet he was in love with the sight. He liked the red, the charred ground that bled dark rivers, the flames around the large pits that shone white in the light that Arlo couldn't seem to find the source of. It was pretty to look at, and it gave him the inspiration he needed to paint. Or did so usually, when he was in the mood.

"Only someone like you could see beauty in death," Arlo didn't even bother to peer over his shoulder, knowing Emeri's voice over any other. Maybe his day wouldn't be so personal anymore.

"Someone like me? What do you mean? Broken, maybe?" Arlo folded his arms over his chest, watching the soulless blundering around nearby the fence under his window. He used to fear them, somewhat anyway. He was afraid they might get in, but Emeri had assured him otherwise. There were two knights directly below his window, and they could deal with any of the beings that got too close. They were his protection.

"Masochistic," Arlo still wasn't used to that word. He still thought of himself as sick. Then again, Emeri was sick too, so maybe they were perfect for one another, after all. It was nice to think of, no matter how depraved Arlo became, there would always be his counterpart there to take pleasure in his agony. Comforting, really.

"I don't enjoy the pain of others, Em, only my own," Arlo finally did turn then, perching on the window sill as he met Emeri's eyes. The man looked as beautiful as always, leaning in the doorway with a perfectly pressed suit resting over his arm. Arlo would have asked if he had cared, but it was the suit that bothered him. It was something in Emeri's eyes, some degree of excitement mixed in with the usual apathy. Emeri never looked like that unless his eyes were on Arlo, it made him feel special. However, he knew, something was different. Emeri wasn't pleased for him, there was something else on his mind. Something better.

"Get dressed," Emeri stepped further into the room, laying the suit over the foot of the bed, "you'll be joining me at an auction, so you best be on good behaviour," Arlo's eyes flickered down over the suit, not particularly liking the look of it. The last time he had to wear a suit was at his parent's funeral, and he had looked stupid then too. They didn't fit right, didn't go with his physical. Then again, he wasn't in the mood to argue with Emeri, that never ended well.

"And if I'm not?" Arlo dared to ask, still not moving from his position by the window, despite Emeri obviously waiting for him to change. Their rapport was good, it had only grown with the days that had followed Emeri's decision to allow Arlo more freedom. It was simple really, their deal, they both got what they wanted. And all Emeri had to do was mention his agreement to take care of Viola to force Arlo back into line. Not that he stepped out all that often. He knew how much he could push his luck. He wasn't that stupid.

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