Chapter VIII

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~Thursday 12th March 2011~

Arlo didn't like to be fussed over. It happened to piss him off. Royally. And, yet, apparently Emeri saw fit that he was washed down thoroughly by heavy-handed maids before he summoned him that day. No doubt he had found out about Arlo's drug withdrawal, hence why the boy had been checked on multiple times over the past few days.

He wasn't getting any better, and only imagined a steady decline for the next week or so, but the doctor had given him some strange plant to chew on that seemed to dampen the symptoms. He hoped it lasted longer than just his time with Emeri, he might get a good night's sleep if the thought of another hit wasn't clawing at his sanity. He was already worried he wouldn't be able to survive the session with Emeri due to his growing fatigue.

The first time he had been summoned, the only other time, Arlo had gotten aroused almost immediately. This time, however, he didn't feel an ounce of excitement. Although, that could have been due to the many female hands touching his body in that particular moment. The last time he had tried to kick his addiction, he hadn't even been able to get any sort of erection when he was touching himself, hurting himself, directly. He had a terrible feeling that might be the same that day.

"Alright, I think I'm done," Arlo practically growled when one of the hands strayed painfully close to his flaccid cock. He rose from the bath, water droplets cascading from his nude form, all the maids averting their eyes immediately. He assumed they weren't supposed to look at him too much, maybe only Emeri was supposed to have that opportunity. Seemed like a stupid thought, but it was the only explanation Arlo could fathom in the moment.

He stepped out of the bath, wrapping a towel around himself, leaning against the sink with his arms crossed over his chest. He was irritable, thanks to the stupid withdrawal symptoms, and he didn't like the fact that none of the maids had left. That meant they had another reason to be there with him, another reason to stay and pester him even more.

"Arlo? Are you ready?" The only saving grace was Inya, who glided into the room with a pleasant smile on her lips, "you're pouting, why are you pouting? And why hasn't your hair been washed?"

"I had a shower this morning, I don't need to wash it again, Inya," Arlo sounded like a sullen child being scolded by his mother, "I don't understand why you're all making a big deal over this, Emeri has summoned me once before, it's not like this is the first time."

"Sire requested it, I value my life far too much to question his whim. Get back in the bath, you have to wash your hair," Arlo scowled at the woman, clutching onto the towel around his waist when she attempted to take it from him.

"No," Arlo had yet to outright refuse anything he had been asked since he had been brought to Emeri's home, he hadn't felt the need to, however, his patience had run dry already, "I don't care what he wants, I'm fucking done," Inya looked concerned, but didn't press the issue any further, resting a hand on Arlo's bicep.

"Arlo, Sire's requests are not to be taken lightly. If you're insistent on refusing, I have to inform Taveel," Arlo merely shrugged, staring down at his feet, not bothering to care about the consequences. He heard receding footsteps, and looked up to find himself alone in the bathroom.

Turning on his heel, he wiped the condensation from the mirror, frowning at his appearance. He had dark circles under his eyes, and a dullness to his usually bright irises. He felt unwell. Not just physically but emotionally. He was nervous to see Emeri, wondering why he was so insistent on some unknown ritual for this particular summoning. But he was also angry about the same fact, irritated that he had to just follow every stupid instruction without a word against it.

"This is the problem, Inya?" Arlo looked to his right, not bothering to shift the frown from his face as he stared at the man he assumed was Taveel. He was Emeri's right hand man from what Arlo had heard, and looked as such. With intense dark eyes and a close-cut shave on his dark hair, he didn't exactly look like a pleasant man to be around. Arlo didn't anticipate he was going to receive just a stern talking to.

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