Chapter XI

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~Saturday 21st March 2011~

"I'm sorry," Arlo murmured quietly, staring at the ground whilst his hands were bound behind his back, not even bothering to mention how the rope was tied far too tight.

"Hm?" Emeri stepped closer, having been lingering in the doorway just a moment before. He had kept his distance since that night he had stayed with Arlo, and the boy wasn't sure he was pleased about that. Some part of him missed Emeri, missed his voice and his presence and even the pain he gave him. Another part had been content with the lack of contact they had had over the week, happy to have some time to himself, not having to worry about what might happen to him each day.

"I'm sorry for how I acted the other day," Arlo lifted his gaze slowly, not quite meeting Emeri's eyes before he looked elsewhere in the room, afraid the man might be angry with him still.

"Leave," Emeri barked at the man that had been tying Arlo's hands, that intense frown on his face as he waited until the two were alone.

"I didn't mean to snap at you," Arlo continued after he heard the door click shut, "I guess I was so used to bottling up my feelings around Viola that, when you asked about my family, everything just spilt out at once. It wasn't fair for me to take that out on you," Arlo very nearly flinched when Emeri touched him, brushing his fingers over the boy's cheek, forcing their eyes to meet.

"You don't need to apologise, it wasn't your fault. I shouldn't have asked, I just..." Emeri's frown deepened, as though he was lost in thought for a few moments, maybe searching for the right words to say, "I wanted to get to know you," Arlo felt a smile tug at the corners of his mouth, although he shouldn't have felt so flattered by the notion. Emeri was the devil, he was a sadistic halfbreed demon, and, yet, he always managed to make Arlo smile. If anyone had asked the boy to describe Emeri Macello, the first word that Arlo would utter would have to be 'adorable', and he didn't care.

"Starting with my dead family might not have been the best idea," Arlo joked, adjusting his hands behind his back, trying to get them into a more comfortable position, "try a different angle next time, like hobbies or something."

"But I already know your hobbies," Arlo cocked an eyebrow, having not expected such a response, "you fight and you draw. Is there something else I should know?"Arlo chuckled, shaking his head.

"Not really, I suppose. And, about the drawing, thank you for the art stuff you got me, I haven't had good oil paints in years. If you're going to continue to lavish with me gifts, I'd love something I could listen to music with, it gets awfully silent in my room," Arlo felt a blush creeping onto his cheeks, making him feel like an idiot, unable to hold the eye contact with Emeri anymore. The man wasn't intimidating, there was just something else about him that made Arlo nervous, something the boy couldn't quite figure out. Or hadn't managed to yet anyway.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, kitten," God, that stupid pet name made Arlo feel all watery inside every time it passed over Emeri's lips, "but, since you're in a good mood now, it might be best to do this now," Arlo looked up, not liking the change in Emeri's tone. The man produced a thick leather collar from behind him, holding it out with the silver buckle glinting in the low light of the room. Arlo frowned, bemused by the action, staring down at the sleek, black collar, unable to think of the words to formulate any of the questions he wanted to ask.

"Wh-What?" Arlo stuttered out in a choked voice, looking from the collar to Emeri's eyes, seeing just a twinge of guilt in those dark eyes of his.

"All of my pets used to wear them, usually right from the moment I bought them. It doesn't have to be-"

"Just put it on," Arlo muttered through gritted teeth, turning on his heel, his back to the man. There was a moment of silence, of stillness, before Arlo saw Emeri's hands in his peripheral and felt the cold leather of the collar on his throat. He shivered, fidgeting a little whilst Emeri buckled the collar, unsure of whether he hated the feeling of the leather on his skin... or loved it.

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