Chapter XIV

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~Sunday 29th March 2011~

Arlo hummed to himself cheerfully as he walked out of the ensuite attached to his new bedroom, collecting the towel he had laid out on the bed and drying his hair to the best of his ability. He much preferred the room Emeri had moved him to when they had agreed on their new deal. It was bigger, for one, much bigger than his own bedroom he had had back at his apartment, but it just seemed nicer.

Three of the walls were a grey colour, with the fourth, behind the bed, painted a deep plum colour. Arlo preferred it to the sickly cream wallpaper that the other room had been plastered with. It was far more sophisticated. He liked the north-facing window too, although there still wasn't much to see through it, other than a ravaged land that Arlo found himself dying to explore.

Draping the towel over his shoulder, Arlo left his room, pausing for a moment whilst he thought about which way he was supposed to go down the hallway. The castle was like a maze, and Arlo had a terrible feeling he was going to get lost far more than what was acceptable if he didn't have a guide. Or a map. Making a final decision, Arlo turned right, wandering aimlessly for almost a minute before he crossed another's path.

"Oh, Arlo, perfect, come here," Rourke gripped Arlo's hand, tugging him into his bedroom. Stunned, Arlo remained motionless, standing just inside the threshold of the room, surveying the beauty of it. There was a certain simplicity to the room, filled with only shades of black and white, yet it didn't feel impersonal by any means.

As Arlo's gaze drifted toward the bed, he suddenly felt awfully overdressed. Laid there casually was three men, two lost in an obscenely loud kiss, and the third watching Rourke intently. It was only then that Arlo realised Rourke was wearing a sheer, lace robe of deep obsidian colour. It contrasted against the boy's ashen skin, making him match the colour scheme of the room.

"Aksel?!" Rourke called out, frowning in a bemused fashion, surely there weren't any more men there. Arlo had been wrong. Another man, with the same blondish-coloured hair and sharp features sauntered from an adjacent room that Arlo assumed was an ensuite.

"Ja, min kjære?" at least that man was more well-clothed, by which Arlo meant he wasn't completely naked. Instead, he was wearing navy blue slacks, no shirt though. Rourke leant up on his tiptoes, pressing a chaste kiss to the man's lips, before positioning him in front of the floor-length mirror and looking toward Arlo.

"I need help picking a shirt for Aksel, do I go with the cream?" Rourke collected a perfectly pressed cream button-up shirt, "or the white?" another shirt of ivory colour appeared in Rourke's other hand, and he held the both of them up against Aksel's chest. Arlo had never been a fashionable one, so he had no idea why Rourke was asking him, but he didn't want to risk him telling Emeri he was being uncooperative in any way.

"I actually think black might look good, since the blue isn't too dark," Arlo glanced to his left when he felt a shadow fall over himself, seeing one of the men towering over him. He was almost freakishly tall, since Arlo was above average himself, and the man could be bordering on taller than Emeri.

"Você veio brincar conosco também, pequenina?" Arlo stepped back when the man reached out to him, unsure of how Emeri would take to another man touching him. He wasn't sure of the extent of Emeri's senses, but he didn't want to find out in such a way.

"Ele não é nosso para brincar, Ale, ele é do meu irmão," Rourke spoke perfectly in the language that Arlo was so unfamiliar with, and the man immediately distanced himself. He crossed the room, wrapping his arms around Rourke's waist from behind, peppering tender kisses to the boy's skin whilst he seemed distracted by Aksel changing into a charcoal shirt he had produced out of nowhere.

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