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'So lovely was the loneliness of a wild lake'

- Edgar Allen Poe 



I sighed out in frustration, leaning against the cool bark. My fuckbuddy, Colton was states away and I had nobody to release my pent up sexual tension on. So I decided to smoke out my frustration.

I took another pull from the cheap cigarette I had bought yesterday in town. I was currently hiding near the forest edge near the lake house, scrolling through my business phone and answering demanding emails. I wasn't supposed to start working for three weeks (too many if you asked me) but I needed a break from that house.

I pressed send on another email, exhaling a cloud of smoke. I raked my tongue over my lips; relishing in the cold metallic feel of the steel ball in my tongue.

I snapped my head towards the driveway when I heard a sudden sound. A dark green Kia Niro approached the house. I became alert, stubbing my cigarette out on the bark of the tree and kicking it into a bush.

'Shit', I thought to myself, 'I left my perfume in my handbag upstairs.' I cursed.

I quickly ran a hand down my long t-shirt; emerging from under the shadows of the tall trees and approaching the car just as Mr. Dire stepped out of it. He looked just as he had 12 years ago, a thick salt and pepper beard and thin brows that hung over his hooded eyes. He had always been a tanned man yet he never seemed to age with a body that displayed his physical health, lean and fit.

He smiled when he saw me.

"Little Esme is that you?" He beamed, opening his arms for a hug.

I felt my cheeks heat up as he embraced me in a tight hug, "Nice to see you Mr. Dire."

He pulled away, lowering his baseball cap to shield his eyes from the glaring sun.

"I never took you for a smoker," He joked. My eyes widened in shock.

"Don't worry, I always keep a pack in my back pocket." He tapped it, winking at me. I smiled lightly, looping my arm with his as we walked towards the house.

"How's life been treating you?" He questioned just as we neared the door.

"Same old shit, different day." I replied bluntly. He chuckled at my response, holing open the door for me.

"Same attitude I see." He raised a brow. I hummed; winking playfully at him.

"Daddy!" We heard Indigo screech as she rushed towards Mr. Dire, propelling herself onto him. He chuckled steadying himself as he gently patted her back.

"Hey princess, still wanting to get married?" He joked, quirking a brow up in question.

Indigo playfully rolled her eyes, "Well now that you mention it-"

He chuckled, "Don't even think about it, I expect wedding vows in a weeks' time. Especially with all this money I'm spending to make it happen."

Mr. Dire was a famous architect who built houses for famous people in Hollywood - it was mostly why he was always on the road and also somewhat why Indigo wanted to become an interior designer so she could spend more time with him.

Indigo briefly glanced at me, "When did you get in?" She questioned.

"Just now." He responded.

"Well come on, I'll show you where mom is." And with that she dragged him off - leaving me standing in the hallway clutching my phone - the faint smell of cheap cigarettes lingering around me.

* * *

Mr. Dire had decided that since it was so sunny out he wanted to take his boat, Little Joe out of the small harbour outside the front of the house and out onto the lake. That and he didn't want to be stuck inside with so many females. In my opinion at least.

So here we were, in the middle of the lake, with Madelyn and Indigo sunbathing at the front of the boat. Sandra had long since slipped from the deck to go and get some rest, leaving me, Emily and Mr. Dire to drink whiskey while we tried to catch fish.

"It's best to come out at his time," Mr Dire muttered, "It's when there are more fish about." Emily nodded, gazing at the blue water.

"Do you like fishing Mr. Dire?" Emily inquired.

He chuckled, "Well of course I do or else I wouldn't of had these fishing rods!" He tugged on his for emphasis. Emily blushed; training her eyes back on the water.

"I heard you're a big name in the fashion business now, Esme." Mr. Dire stated.

I hummed at his comment, "It took a lot of work." I added.

Mr. Dire shook his head - bemused, "I don't doubt that for a second. You've always been headstrong as long as I've known you." He commented.

I leaned towards Emily, "Which has been a long time by the way," I whispered to her.

She chuckled at my comment as her gaze wandered off to the sight of the lake as it stretched out before us. The sun had begun to set, its reflection glimmering off the surface of the lake as we watched the sight before us.

"Beautiful." I found myself uttering as I found myself transfixed by the sight.

Mr Dire chuckled, lowering his cap further onto his brow as he twitched his upper lip. An unconscious tic I had noticed over the years.

"We best be getting back - I don't want the boys to beat us to the lake house," He muttered as he began to reel in his rod, glancing anxiously at the time. The boys?

"The boys?" Emily echoed my thoughts.

"Yeah Kyle, his friends and my brother Kaine should be arriving tonight." Indigo responded, emerging from the front deck of the boat with Madelyn in tow, "Kyle texted me an hour ago saying they're only an hour off so they should be getting here for about...now?" She looked at her watch then at us expectantly.


My tongue went dry at the sound of his name - a name I had tried so hard to forget for the past twelve years. It felt as if my ears were stuffed with cotton as I fought to retain control over my heart as it thudded frantically against my chest; willing itself to be free from the constraints I had placed it under all those years ago.

Mr Dire slapped his thighs, heaving himself out of his seat as he began to make way towards the controls of the boat, "Best be setting of now then." He stated.

Indigo's gaze lingered momentarily on Emily and me before she spun on her heel leaving as well, probably to go and wake Mrs Dire up from her rest. I was too caught up in my own thoughts to care.

The sun had set as we set off for shore where I knew drama would await us - the afternoon of lazing and relaxing long behind us. 

* * *


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