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'Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within'

- James Baldwin




It was an emotion that consumed me when I looked at Kaine Grey. What with his soft to the touch curls that were dyed a sexy ash-blonde. Or the dimple that graced his left cheek, enhancing his dentist worthy smile whenever one of his friends said something funny.

I smiled leaning on my locker for support as I gazed longingly at him from afar. Indigo slammed her locker shut causing me to jump and push my thick coke bottle glasses further up the bridge of my nose.

Indigo huffed leaning against her locker running her hand through her straight hair, "Do you know where I put my calculator, I need it for my fifth period." She inquired.

Digging into my back pocket where I had stowed the calculator, I threw it to a beaming Indigo. She grinned - squeezing me tightly.

"What would I do without you?" She beamed, her cherry lip balm gleaming as she smiled.

Indigo and I had been best friends since middle school. Indigo Dire was not only my best friend but the younger sister of my crush. It made it even more impossible for me to act upon my feelings that and the fact that he had a girlfriend. Scarlet, the girl who as of currently was clinging to his arm, beaming up at him with love swirling in her grey orbs.

Her mixed-race heritage only added to her beauty along with her grace and kindness. She treats everyone around her equal - no matter their colour, race, sexuality or gender. That made me feel guilty of harbouring these feelings.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when a fist slammed against the locker above my head - a grinning face coming into view. Cameron grinned at me, his wild blonde curls brushing her face.

"Hey, kitten." He muttered.

Cameron had always tried to pursue me despite my protests yet he always found a way to make me laugh and blush. Someone coughed causing us to jump apart - awkwardly avoiding the stares of Kaine and his group of friends. Cameron and Kaine were in the same friendship circle since they both played basketball. Kaine's eyes hovered on me before one of their friends began speaking again.

"As I was saying..."

* * *

"I hate school. Someone just kill me" Indigo exclaimed as she turned the key in the door, thrusting it open and stomping heatedly towards the kitchen.

"Oh come on, Indie you can't mean that." I tried to persuade her, making sure to lock the door and put the keys in their rightful place.

She smacked her lips, wandering towards her kitchen with me on her trail. We had just left school and gone back to Indigo's house to study since her brother and parents weren't going to be home. Me and Indigo had been best friend's since I was seven. She was the only person not to bully me in 2nd grade.

When my parent's split up, my mother packed up and left Trinidad - moving across the globe to live with our grandmother where she became a waitress. My mother and my grandmother hadn't spoken in years so when my mum showed up on her doorstep with a seven-year-old and a bawling infant she was shocked, to say the least.

I placed my textbooks onto the counter, hopping onto the cool surface - swinging my legs absentmindedly. Indigo walked over to the fridge, her face disappearing for a moment before she reappeared with two bottles of water and yoghurt cups.

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