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'We mature with the damage not the years'

- Unknown



I groaned sitting up in the unfamiliar bed - squinting my eyes at the harsh light that blinded me. What the hell happened last night?


I glanced towards the looming figure in the doorway; drinking a cup of what I could only assume was coffee. He was handsome, his toned abs on full display with a v line hinting towards his fully endowed member that was concealed by those skin-tight Calvin Klein's that seemed as if they were his second skin.

"How much did I drink last night?" I grumbled, getting up from the bed in all my naked glory. His eyes lustfully roamed over my body.

"A lot." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes, picking up my discarded clothes, and making my way to what I think was the bathroom. My hangover raging war in my head. I needed to cut back on my drinking. I quickly pulled out my phone sending a quick text to my assistant to pick me up with a spare set of clothes.

I emerged from the bathroom 20 minutes later, fully refreshed to see whatever his name was had left the bedroom, I let out a sigh - walking through the house until I found what I hoped was the front door, quickly leaving.

"God! I'm never drinking again."

* * *

"Wendy, bring me a decaf latte and pour a bit of rum in it," I ordered walking into the building, Noire Industries. My legacy. It was one of America's top fashion designing companies - teaming up with top labels like Dior, Louis Vuitton, and Cartier.

Wendy nodded, rushing off to fulfil my request, her flats slapping against the cool marble. The sound of my heels clicking against the floor made me take more confident and determined strides towards the elevator.

"What's my schedule for the day?" I queried, pressing floor 29, watching the steel doors close, I turned to my PA Emily. She scrambled to open her tablet.

"Your 4.30 had to cancel so I moved your 5.00 down. Oh, and you're required to attend an urgent meeting with the board." She read aloud, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. Oh, how I wished she would get them tightened.

"When is that for?" I inquired, stepping out of the elevator with Emily at my heels. Wendy was waiting for us outside, holding a steaming cup which she quickly passed to me before trailing behind.

"It's...right now actually, board room 13." Emily whispered.

I rolled my eyes, I hate when I'm due into meetings at such short notice. Halting in my steps - I turned to face both women. They shuffled under my intense gaze.

"Emily follows me in and Wendy, manage my workflow till I come back." Wendy nodded, rushing off towards my office.


We both walked towards the boardroom, entering to find them in the middle of a discussion which halted as soon as we stepped into the room. I smirked taking my deallocated seat, eyeing the scene behind my designer shades.

"Continue." I breezily uttered.

Raymond shook his head at me. I had always been one for dramatics. He turned back towards the board, who slowly began to divert their attention from me.

"As I was saying," He sent a pointed look towards me to which I scoffed, "I want to branch the company out; we already have 7 different bases located around the country but I want to open us up to more opportunities which is why I have chosen to open our eighth branch in...Michigan."

I held my breath, sitting up in my chair slightly.

"And to make sure it is a success I have chosen, Esme to be in control of its management until it is up and running next fall!" He clapped his hands together as the rest of the boards joined in.

I zoned out for the rest of the meeting, my hands shaking under the table - unaware of the anxious glances Emily was casting my way. Michigan. Surely not. Raymond had chosen to send me knowing what a dark past it held for me there.

I didn't notice as the meeting concluded or as the members slowly trickled out of the room in hopeful spirits. I only came out of my trance when Emily tapped me on the shoulder.

"Esme, are you okay?" Worry swirling in her crystal orbs, as she tried to see through my heavily tinted shade. I nodded shakily, noticing Raymond lingering in the board room still.

"Yes just give me a moment, I'll see you back at the office." She looked unsure but left me. Just me and Raymond.

"Raymond." I took off my glasses, placing them on the table, "How could you?!"

Raymond whirled around turning to face me, "About time you took off the shades. What? Rough night?" He chuckled to himself.

I rolled my eyes at his behavior, "I'm not fucking playing about Raymond."

He sighed, walking towards me - resting his hands on my shoulders rubbing in soothing circles which made me sigh out in frustration.

"I know but you're going to have to face it at some point. You can't hide forever." He gently reminded.

"I wasn't intending to...well at least until I was in my late sixties." She smiled playfully.

Raymond chuckled, "Okay if you say so." He turned to leave but turned back around to face me, "Your mother wants you at dinner tonight. I can't make any more excuses for you, Esme." and with that, he turned and left.

I should probably give more clarity on who Raymond is. When I had returned to America, I was shocked to find that my mother had remarried, a millionaire at that. Raymond Green had become an everlasting father figure in our lives - filling the void my biological father had left behind. He and my mother had been married for 9 years and they were still going strong. When I had graduated college, Raymond had offered me a position as a Junior designer in his company and I had worked my way up from there until at 28 I was the CFO at our main company.

Groaning, I slumped back in my seat, massaging my temple. I knew it was a bad decision to go out for drinks last night. My phone buzzed in my pocket.

You leave tomorrow.

I rolled my eyes. Fuck my life.

* * *


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