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'If life were predictable it would cease to be life and be without flavor.'

Eleanor Roosevelt



I walked alongside Emily as we followed Madelyn into the quaint boutique named; 'Coco de Lace'. It sounds like a sex shop if you ask me.

When we stepped through the threshold of the small waiting room; a small tinkle alerted the saleswoman who suddenly appeared in front of us.

"We're a part of the party Dire," Madelyn smiled.

The woman nodded, "The bride-to-be did say there was going to be more people joining," She glanced at all of use, her eyes lingering on me.

After college, I did dabble in modelling and I even still do some shoots for the Noire now - I sometimes get recognized for it now. So I knew what was coming before the look of shock or amazement crossed her face.


"Esme Green." I greeted.

She stared at me wide-eyed like a goldfish, "Your latest fashion line was amazing, I love how you in cooperated a simple net lace bodice into all your designs." She gushed.

"Thanks. It was one of my best works yet." I admitted. A lot of lost nights had been spent on that line.

"Well come with me," She grinned, leading us towards a secluded area where a woman was watching a beautiful girl twirl around in a mermaid brides dress. There was an assistant hovering behind the girl; adjusting the dress as she looked into the mirror.

"You look so gorgeous in that dress!" The woman exclaimed. The assistant nodded in agreement.

The girl stopped, catching sight of us in the mirror and her face became pale.

"Esme?" She whispered.

I hesitantly stepped into the room further smiling sheepishly at my childhood best friend. She had grown up from what I could see, a thinner face with more fuller lips and a lean slim figure that only came from tirelessly working out.

Although Indigo stilled slightly looked the same from high school from what I could see, only minor changes about her seemed to stand out. Like the fact that her once brown gloss main was now short and beach blonde at the tips. Or that she still towered over me and her breasts had become reduced in size.

"That's me." I grinned.

She moved towards me, reaching a hand out to cup my face as she searched my eyes.

"My god it's really you." She murmured to herself. Her hand fell slowly to her side as she stepped back; her eyes cast to Emily behind me then to Madelyn who pushed past me to hug her.

"You look absolutely gorgeous!" She smiled.

Indigo beamed, twirling around in the beautiful dress.

"Do you think?" She smiled sheepishly. Madelyn nodded and the two began to chat about the dress and previous ones Indigo had tried on.

Emily and I went to join Indigo's mother on the plush white couch that was pushed against the wall. Indigo's mother, Sandra stood up enfolding me in a firm hug.

"It's great to see you, darling, after all these years! And look at you. All grown up." She smiled, like a proud mother. She held me at arm's length running her eyes up and down my figure.

I gently pulled out of her grasp, "Thanks, 12 years does change a person." I replied. We all sat down turning our attention back to the Indigo.

"Well?" Sandra said.

Indigo did one last twirl in the mirror checking herself before scrunching her face up.

"It...doesn't feel right." She huffed.

Indigo walked back into the dressing room just as Sandra turned back towards me.

"So what have you been up to these days?" She questioned.

I noticed Madelyn's gaze shift from her phone towards me.

"Well, I've just been working, putting out my own fashion lines and running my dad's company," I replied briefly. She nodded and I could tell that I had impressed her.

Moments later, Indigo emerged from the changing room in a stunning off the shoulder white gown that flowed softly around her. We all stared at her - stunned.

"Well?" Sandra asked nervously.

"This is the one."

* * *

The drive back to the lake house was mostly quiet. Me and Emily rode back with Sandra so Indigo had decided to carpool with Madelyn. I had pulled on my shades as soon as I had slipped into the cool backseat of the car so I could avoid speaking.

That didn't bother Sandra though; she happily chatted off Emily's ear.

I felt the car come to a smooth halt. I pretended to stretch; stepping out of the car. The lake house still looked how I remembered it: grand and daunting.

"It's still the same," I found myself saying.

"Well we've had to do a little touch up here and there but it's still the same as it was twelve years ago," Sadie said from behind me. I nodded absentmindedly.

Madelyn's small red car pulled up beside Sadie's extremely luxurious car. I smirked slightly.

"Leave your bags, I'll have my husband get them later," Sadie called out to me when she saw me and Emily make a move towards Madelyn's car.

I nodded, "How is Mr. Dire?" I questioned.

Sandra smiled, "Busy as ever!" She pushed open the grand front door, letting us in.

It looked different from how I remembered it; the white carpets were stripped and a polished oak floor was in its place. The walls were no longer cream but a pearl white. A round glass table stood in the middle - a bouquet of fresh roses on top. The staircase was split into a U leading around the daunting chandelier that was on full display.

"Wow, this looks really regal." Emily gasped.

Indigo smiled proudly, "I decorated it a few months ago."

When we were in high school, she had always said she had wanted to become an interior designer and decorate the houses of the rich and famous.

"Is that what you do?" I inquired.

Her gaze snapped to mine, "No, I own a boutique." She replied.

I think Sandra sensed the tension, either that or she was eager to show us the rest of the house because she quickly clapped her hands together - catching our attention.

"Right, shall we move to the kitchen?"

* * *


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