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'I don't know why we drifted apart but we did and I regret it.

I want us to be friends again like we used to.

I want us to stay up all night talking about what's on our heart because no one can make me feel as comfortable as you and no one has won my trust, the way you still do.'

- Unknown



Well, dinner had been awkward.

I shovelled more ice cream into my mouth, I'd have to go for a run tomorrow morning to make sure I burned it off in time for my wedding. Throughout dinner, mum had been chatting to Esme about what she's been doing lately.

She was a famous fashion designer and a damn good one by the sounds of it. It was unfair. Esme had been able to run off and pursue her dreams while I was left here to do what? Cater to my fiancé's sister who was asking for money to get an abortion and another tummy tuck.

I rolled my eyes, shoving another cold spoonful of ice cream into my mouth, chewing angrily.

I felt a presence behind me; I jumped up from my seat at the island. Esme stood in the doorway in a silk tank top and a matching pair of boy shorts.

She had truly changed from what I could see, Her hair was voluptuous and not relaxed like it was all those years ago. She had lost all of that weight and what replaced it was a full set of curves that made her have a coke bottle figure. It didn't help that her breasts were large and perky.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I only came down here to grab a bottle of water." She stated softly, sliding further into the room as I eyed her wearily. 

I watched as she moved swiftly to the fridge; grabbing a cold bottle. I slowly slipped back into my seat, picking up my spoon and shoving another mouthful into my mouth.

"So the boys will arrive tomorrow." She spoke, not moving from her place by the fridge.

I nodded numbly, shoving in another mouthful.

"I heard your fiancé is a painter. Remember when-"

"Listen, Esme, we're not best friends anymore." I spat angrily. Her eyes widened in shock, her grip on the bottle tightening.

"Sorry, I just thought." She hesitated trailing off. 

I chuckled darkly, "Well you thought wrong then."

I watched as she walked past me scratching her arm with her right arm, a small tattoo on her wrist catching my eye.

Angelo Sopra

I furrowed my eyebrows, opening my mouth to speak but she was gone before I could even utter a word.

* * *

"Esme?" I mumbled.

I turned to face her hunched figure under the sheets; her eyes shut as the light of the moon reflected upon her face. I shoved her gently - chuckling softly when she let out a grunt, slapping my arm away.

"What?" She grumbled.

"What do you want to be when you grow up?" I asked.

Esme blinked, "Really?"

I smiled, "Yes! Now answer my question."

She turned onto her back, resting her hands behind her as she gazed at the ceiling.

"Well...if I had the chance I would...travel the world." She smiled faintly, "Learn about different cultures around the world and learn the history of their people."

I couldn't help but stare at her in amazement as I listened to her voice her dreams. She turned to look at me; smiling softly.

"What about you?"

I grinned, "I would become an interior designer. Decorate the house of the rich and famous," I spoke.

"Oh yeah?" She asked.

"Yeah and I'd fall in love with a handsome client and he'd whisk me off my feet and we'd marry in Greece and-"

"Woah, slow your roll, you barely manage to keep a hold of your grades let alone a boyfriend right now," Esme spoke.

I shot her a glare, "It's not my fault the teachers are grade A ass holes." I snapped.

She rose her brow, "You called Mr. Mosey a porky pedo." She argued.

"Yeah well, I did catch him perving on the swimming team," I responded.

Esme chuckled, "Because he trains them."

"Whatever," I huffed, turning over in the bed, drawing the cover's over me more. I felt Esme do the same.

"Esme," I whispered.

"Yes." I heard her reply.

"Never leave me."

"I wouldn't dream of it."

* * *


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