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'If you look at what you have in life, you'll always have more. If you look at what you don't have in life, you'll never have enough.'

- Oprah Winfrey



Madelyn sighed, tapping her foot against the cold pale floor of Michigan airport. Where the hell was this girl? Madelyn sighed again. She was already running on a tight schedule.

She glanced at her brand new iPhone; it was nearing 10.30. She was supposed to be at the dress shop in an hour and a half. A scowl began to make its way onto her face. This 'Esme' girl needed to hurry up.

* * *

"How's the office doing in my absence?" I inquired, leaning back in the plush recliner of the private jet.

Raymond's muffled chuckle through the phone filled my ear, "Esme, you haven't even been gone for a full 24 hours yet!" he proclaimed.

I scoffed rolling my eyes, "Tell my mother that. With the amount of texts she's sent me you'd think I'd been gone a whole year." She grumbled.

"You know how your mother is Esme, especially after what happened-"

"I don't need a reminder Raymond!" I snapped. Raymond became quiet on the other side of the phone. I gazed out the window at the pale pink clouds - covering the world below that was filled with people that seemed so tiny from up here.

"I'm sorry Raymond." I whispered.

"No it's okay- I shouldn't have brought it up." He responded.

I sighed, "I'm gonna be landing soon. Tell momma I'll call as soon as I land." We said our goodbyes before I hung up.

I didn't notice when Emily had joined me so when I had stopped gazing out of the window and turned to gaze in front of me I didn't notice she was intently staring at me.

"Shit!" I jumped in shock, hitting my head against the roof causing me to wince, "What the fuck Emily?!" I cried out.

Emily chuckled, pushing her glasses further up the bridge of her nose, "Sorry," She smiled sheepishly.

"God when will you get those glasses of yours fixed?" I inquired.

She smirked lightly, "I have a backup pair and a set of contact lenses." She stated.

I quirked a brow, "Then why don't you wear either of them?" I questioned.

"Because I like pissing you off."

I smirked, "Why did I decide to bring you with me?"

Emily leaned back in her chair, "Because I'm your PA and...well...your only friend." I rolled my eyes knowing it was true.

The air hostess made her way towards us, her red lips pressed into a thin smile as she clasped her hands in front of her.

"We'll be landing soon, you may want to buckle your seat belts," We thanked her, following her instructions as she disappeared.

* * *

What time did you say Esme's plane landed?

After waiting for 3 hours, Madelyn was becoming impatient. She had watched many people who were waiting amongst her come later than her and leave faster. She tapped her foot impatiently, twirling a piece of her blonde hair around her manicured finger.

She scanned the crowd (for what felt like the hundredth time) when someone caught her eye. A stunning ebony chick with a curvaceous body wrapped in a nude skin tight dress with a dark designer blazer. She oozed rich and powerful and everyone around her seemed to notice it.

Surely this the wasn't Esme that Indigo had described to her. That Esme was a big, self-conscious ball of nerves who hid behind her badly cut fringe and over-sized outfits.

Madelyn straightened up, holding the sign 'ESME', tighter as she watched the mysterious woman stride further towards where she stood, a ginger woman following in her wake. She scanned the crowd of waiting people before setting her eyes on Madelyn. She nodded to the girl behind her and they began to make steady strides towards her.

"Are you...Esme?" Madelyn hesitated a feeling of sudden nervousness overwhelming her. The woman in front of her grinned, taking off her shades to reveal a beautiful set of dark chocolate eyes.

"The one and only," She smirked, "And you are?"

"Madelyn. The maid of honour." She repeated proudly, sticking out her hand. Esme glanced down at her hand with a raised brow. Madelyn slowly lowered it.

"Well come on we need to get a move on if we want to make it to this dress fitting!" Madelyn smiled before leading the way to her car with Esme and Emily trailing behind.

* * *


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