[Chapter Nine] Campers Unknown Hunting Grounds

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Chris: "Last time on Total Drama Island! Our campers had to track through the infamous Boney Island!" [He says that last part with an ominous voice.]

Chris: "Their challenge was to take their canoes all the way from one end, all the way to the other! Luckily, they got to meet the wild life that lives there!"

[Flashes back to you all running away from the Wooly Beavers and Geese.]

Chris: "Though, some almost sunk under the pressure!"

[Flashes back to you and Lindsay in the quicksand.]

Chris: "What truly happened to Izzy after her 'exclusion'? Will Cody truly ever actually back off of Gwen and (Y/N)'s relationship? And will the author of this story continue with the inconsistent upload schedule? Find out more on- Total! Drama! Island!!"


[It's yet, for the ninth time in this story, a new day on Total Drama Island. Everyone is asleep in the cabins, that is until Chris flies a helicopter over the cabins. Duncan hears this and jumps out of bed, visibly shaken up.]

Duncan: "They're coming man! They found us!" [He dives under Geoff's bunk.]

[In the girl's side of the Gopher's cabin, Leshawna jolts awake, slamming her head into the bunk above her.]

Leshawna: "Ugh! Okay, that dude is really starting to get on my last nerve!"

[Gwen over hears Heather telling Beth and Lindsay to go start a shower for her.]


[All of the girls are dressed and waiting out side the restroom, needing to go. Unfortunately, Heather is taking her sweet time in the shower.]

Bridgette: "What's the hold up?"

Lindsay: "Heather needs her private time." 

Leshawna: "How long's queenie gonna be in there? I got urgent business!" 

Beth: "She could still be a while."

Gwen: "Ahh! That's it, I'm going lumberjack style."

[Chris comes on the speakers.]

Chris: "I hope you're ready for the most- challenging challenge yet! Breakfast in three minutes at the campfire pit."


[You're all gathered at the campfire, as you were all told.]

 Chris: "Are you ready for today's extreme max impact challenge!" [He says with his arms in the air.]

 Owen: "We, are, ready!" 

Chris: "Incoming!" 

[He throws a can of beans straight at Gwen's face, she braces for impact as you quickly reach out in front of her, catching the can. She opens her eyes and looks to you smiling, you smile back.]

Chris: "This, is breakfast." 

Heather: "No, breakfast is crepes, croissants, even Chef's crappy burnt eggs!" 

Owen: "Beans beans are good for your heart the more you eat the more you-" [Chris throws a can of beans at Owens head, knocking him out.]

Chris: "Today's challenge is about survival, we're going hunting!" [He pulls out a paintball gun.]

Duncan: "That's more like it!"

Harold: "Isn't that a paintball gun?" 

Chris: "Why yes Harold-" He points the paintball gun at him "It is!" [He shoots Harold in the stomach, causing him to fall over in pain.]

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