[Chapter Nineteen] Thursday The 12th

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[The camera pans across some grass as the sound of a projector is heard in the background, suddenly a pair of shoes walk into frame as the camera reveals a large man with a hockey mask and a chainsaw revved over his head, then it's revealed that you're all just sitting and watching a movie.]

Izzy: "He's coming out of the woods with a big hecking chainsaw!" [Gasp] "That's soo cool!"

(Y/N): "This has to be the dumbest movie I've ever seen." [You say as you shake your head in disbelief.]

Geoff: "Psycho killer man is going for the car!"

Leshawna: "Yo fool couple! Stop making out outside the car!" 

Izzy: "They're gonna be chainsaw sushi!"

[Izzy laughs as the chainsaw revs and a female scream is heard from the film.]

Geoff: "Oh no bro! Now the car won't start!"

[DJ's partially covering his face whilst looking through his fingers.]

DJ: "Aww man, I hate scary movies.."

Izzy: "Run! The psycho killer's gonna getcha!"

[DJ gasps and cowers his head in fear as Duncan just looks at him with a 'really?' look.]

Gwen: "Here comes the blood fest!"

[A buzzsaw can be heard as you, Duncan, and Gwen are all for it while everyone else is either disgusted, scared, or uncaring.]

Izzy: "Aww the chainsaw psycho is going back to the woods, he's gettin away! Yeah! Good ending! Izzy loves scary movies!"

[The film comes to an end as DJ sighs in relief.]

DJ: "Am I ever glad that's over, I really hate scary movies!"

Duncan: "Oh yeah!? What scares you most, the part where everyone meets a grizzly death, or the psycho killer with a hook!"

[Duncan reaches behind him and pulls out a hook as a DJ yells in fear and hides behind Leshawna, causing everyone to laugh at him.]

*Confessional Booth*

DJ: "Dude! That was NOT cool!"


Gwen [Putting away the reel.] "Aww come on Deej, for a slasher flick it was pretty tame."

Duncan: "Yeah, in fact it was actually pretty bad, the effects were so blatant and the acting was a snooze."

(Y/N): "There was hardly any hacking! Not like Bloodbath Two: Summer Camp Reign of Terror!"  

Gwen: "No way! That's my favorite movie! I love when the killer jams that guy's hand into the lawnmower!" 

[DJ peers from behind Leshawna shaking and biting his nails in fear.]

(Y/N): "Hah! Or when he pushes the chick off the dock and then she lands on a propeller blade that slices her in half!" [You do a chopping motion.]

[You both do the preying gesture with your hands.]

 (Y/N) and Gwen: "Or when he shoves that big dude's head inside the wood chipper!!!"

[DJ full on jumps onto Leshawna and wraps himself around her as you and Gwen kiss and high five.]

(Y/N): "Once we get off the island we're so binge watching the whole franchise!"

Gwen: "That'd be the best night ever!"

Heather: "Aww, looks like (Y/N) and Gwen have more in common than romance so sappy it'd rot your teeth and bad fashion sense! It's just mindless guts and gore."

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