[Chapter Twenty Two] Daily Life, Daily Strife

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[You wake up and stretch your arms, not being awoken by Chris's annoying antics as today is not a challenge day, you get out of bed and change out of your pajamas. You make your way over to the washrooms, comb your hair and brush your teeth. You notice you're the only person awake as of right now so you decide to go make everyone breakfast at the main lodge.]


[You set all of the food you made out on the table so people can just grab their food and sit down, you made eggs, bacon, sausage, and some breakfast wraps. You grab your food and sit down to eat as you wait for everyone else to filter in.]


[The first person to enter the main lodge is Duncan, he looks at the food then at you and smiles.]

Duncan: "I knew something smelt great in here! Didn't know you were such a good cook."

[You set down your drink and shrug.]

(Y/N): "Well, it's basic stuff so it wasn't all that hard to make, but yeah they're all recipes I learnt from home."

[Duncan takes a plate full and sits down across from you, he digs in as his eyes light up.]

Duncan: "Man this stuff tastes good!"

(Y/N): "Heh, didn't know you had a soft spot for food."

[He points his fork toward you and gives you a bit of a glare.]

Duncan: "Hey, anything's better than the crap Chef makes. And this tastes better than anything I've had in juvey."

(Y/N): "Yeah, that's fair. Thanks."

Duncan: "I should be the one thanking you." [He says as he scarfs down more of the food.]

[You chuckle and look over as you hear the door open, revealing Leshawna and Gwen.]

Leshawna: "Oh I could smell that the moment I woke up, this looks go-ood!"

[She runs over and gawks at the food as she looks toward you.]

Leshawna: "I already know Duncan didn't make this, but dang if this ain't the best looking food I've seen since I've been on the island in a while!"

Duncan: "Yeah, because the last thing you need to be doing is putting on more pounds."

[Leshawna hits him over the head with a plate as he rubs his head in pain.]

Duncan: "Ow! Geez take a joke would ya."

[She gives him the stink eye.]

Leshawna: "I think you and me have two different definitions of a joke."

[Gwen sits down next to you as she kisses you on the lips.]

(Y/N): "Morning hon~"

Gwen: "Morning babe~"

[You notice she has a little bit of bag under her eye.]

(Y/N): "Couldn't sleep last night?"

Gwen: "No.. it was kinda chilly last night."

[You glance at her.]

(Y/N): "You do know you can just stay in my part of the cabin right?

Gwen: "Yeah I know, but these beds are kind of small to hold the both of us."

[You jokingly gasp in offence.]

 (Y/N): "Are you calling me fat babe!?" [You say with a playful look of shock on your face.]

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