[Chapter Ten] Kitchen Drama Nightmares

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Chris: "Last time on Total Drama Island! It was hunting season for our campers, only, they weren't hunting the wildlife- they hunted each other! With paintball guns!"

[Flashes back to all of the times someone's been shot with a paintball.]

Chris: "Unfortunately, even when they were divided into hunters and hunted, they still couldn't resist shooting the crap out of each other!"

[Flashes back to 'the fight'.]

Chris: "Will Heather's alliance last till the end? Do (Y/N) and Gwen have a plan to take out said alliance? And will Cody get the medical treatment he needed after what happened to him? Find out more on- Total! Drama! Island!!"


[It's yet another day on Total Drama Island, everyone peacefully asleep in their cabins. Inside of the Killer Bass's guy's side of the cabin Geoff asleep with his hat over his face, Harold asleep and- scratching his rear, and DJ talking in his sleep. Duncan is the first to awake, he lays up and jumps out of bed and starts doing push ups, that's until he catches a whiff of something foul and looks down. He sees a pair of underwear with a visible brown stain on them.]

Duncan: "Auugh!" [He recoils back as the other guys all laugh, awake to see him recoil.]

Duncan: "Not cool Harold man, not cool!"

Harold: "Those aren't mine."

Duncan: "Yeah right, you're always leaving your gifts lying around!" 

Harold: "No I'm not, gosh!"

Geoff: "Uhh, yeah you are dude."

Harold: "You have like, absolutely no proof!"

Geoff: "No one else wears that kind dude." 

DJ: "And your mom sewed your name onto the label." 

Harold: "Whatever!" [He says visibly annoyed as he crosses his arms.]

[He grabs his towel and storms out.]

Harold: "I'm going for a shower!"

Duncan: "Hey, don't forget to clean the skid maker!" [He calls out to Harold.]

Duncan: "I think Harold needs to be taught a lesson boys, who's with me?"

[He looks to DJ and Geoff, all with mischievous looks on their faces as they all high five.]


[You're all gathered near the river for Chris to make his announcement.]

Chris: "Today's challenge will test your minds, your teamwork, and your skills in the kitchen. You'll be cooking a three-course meal and serving it to me for tasting. The winners get a reward, the losers will send somebody home!" [He points over to the dock.]

Chris: "Each team will appoint a headchef to create the theme of the meal and to oversee the cooking. To cook, you need ingredients, every morning a truck brings us food, today's task starts there!" [A delivery truck literally reverses out of the river, a dolphin looks out of the drivers window and makes dolphin noises as you're just standing there dumb founded.]

[Geoff and DJ open the back of the truck, reveling plethora of all kinds of different foods, ranging from ham, to ribs, to eggs, and even fruits.]

Geoff: "We could do a killer Italian theme!"

Duncan: "Hello headchef!"

Geoff: "Seriously!" [Duncan nods.] "Then lets get grabbin!" [They walk into the truck to start getting their ingredients as your team walks up.]

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