[Chapter Sixteen] Homewrecker Ahoy!

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[It's a new day on the island, a squirrel can be seen walking out of a hole in a tree holding a cup of coffee and yawning as a bird flies by, the camera then pans down to Gwen sketching in her notepad as you're swimming in the lake, that is until you decide to get out and check on her.]

(Y/N): "What'cha sketching over there beautiful?~" [You say as you dry your hair.]

Gwen: "N-nothing!"

[You try and lean in to get a look at what she's drawing, but she just hides it from you. That is until a camera leans in over he shoulder, revealing a really detailed drawing of you swimming and looking majestic, she suddenly whips around and smacks the camera away.]


[You and Gwen are relaxing outside of your trailer, that is until a cannon ball comes and demolishes it as you and Gwen look in disbelief as a toilet lands next to you both.]

Chris: "Arrg mates! Meet me at me amphitheater five minute and I'll tell ye about todays challenge!"


[You and Gwen are the last ones to arrive, looking disappointed as you haul your luggage behind you, the cases smoking from the fire.]

Chris: "Well my little scallywags, have we got an adventure in store for ye!" [The parrot almost falls off his shoulder as he quickly fixes it.]

Geoff: "What's under the sheet?"

Chris: "All in good time laddie, who here has a hankering for a good old-fashioned treasure hunt!" 

Gwen: "Hmm" 

Chris: "Now this treasure hunt's got a twist mateys, what you're looking for isn't hidden, and it isn't treasure!"

Duncan: "If there's no treasure then what's with the eye patch and the plastic parrot?"

Chris: [Ripping the parrot off of him and throwing it to the side.] "Arrrg, shiver me timbers. Good question me boy you're looking for keys to a treasure chest!" [Chris pulls away the cloth, revealing three treasure chests underneath.] "Inside each of these chests is a treasure that will pamper you and lubbers and one of these chests will even give you invincibility! Now come round and pull a clue out of this bucket, or you'll have to walk the plank!"

[You and Gwen look at each other nervously as you all walk up and collect a clue, which is carved into a piece of wood.]

Chris: "These clues will tell you where your key be stowed! 

Owen: "But bear-?"

[Chris quickly runs up to him.]

Chris: "I was hoping you'd get that one dude."

[Chris then leans in and looks at Heathers.]

Chris: "Hehe, Chef's Fridge, niiiccee! I hear he brushes it daily for finger prints."

[Chris then appears behind Geoff.]

Chris: "That there is the septic tank, for the washrooms!" 

*Mini Timeskip*

Chris: "All ye scallywags go find your keys and bring them back by 6 P.M. Eastern Standard Time to open up the chest and get your loot fairly, well young scallywags, now get to it!"


[You're at the dock, your key is in the middle of the lake on a post, guarded by three sharks who are swimming around it.]

Chris: "(Y/N)'s first challenge to grab his key from the man-eating shark-infested lake."

[You get an idea and run off, you soon return holding two fish and in your swim trunks, you throw the fish off into the distance as the sharks chase after it, you take this as your opportunity to jump in and grab your key as Gwen watches from the dock, worried. You swim back to the dock safely and climb back onto it.]

TDI Gwen X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now