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Even though I told him I wanted the relationship between us to be over.... He should at least call me to see if I want him back... I'm angry at him ... But I still want him to call me .. I don't even know why I feel like that .. it not even up to a day since we broke up Maybe he  wants me to calm down before he calls me again.... What's bothering you? Liv said as she entered my room.... I kinda miss Jordan and feel bad for the way I treated him.. maybe I shouldn't have said all that to him.. you know what?
What ....... Don't think about all that.. for now.. why don't we go downstairs and help my mom prepare for dad's birthday party of six people.. she said and I laughed... Yeah I think a little party will help get my mind off J... For awhile... Let me reply Demon... I will meet you downstairs..
Demon again... If you didn't break up with Jordan for a reason I will think you left cause you've fallen for Demon.. Ewweee no.... If you say so... Don't stay too long.. okay mummy I said and laughed at her.... I thought in my mind how can I fall for someone I just met... No way.. I replied Demon and he make me promise to send his own cake... Which we both know it is impossible... By the time I got downstairs.. the whole decorations and the surprise is ready... Aunt ask Spence to go call his dad... When he came out he was surprised.. he thought we all forgot his birthday... We video call my parents... We partied for what seems like hours and it was fun .. after the whole party.. my cousins and I cleaned the whole sitting room and kitchen... It was around 7pm when we round up with the cleaning... Everyone retired to there room except Liv... We both went to my room... He still hasn't call . I said immediately I got hold of my phone because Liv happen to keep it with her the whole day so I don't miss Jordan... And am sure it not because of Jordan.. it probably so I don't talk Demon but I will stick to her excuse... My phone started ringing... I ran out of the bathroom and it turns out to be my crazy best friend... What I said immediately after picking the call...
Were you expecting Demon to call you.... Yeah maybe... I said .... Nope she was expecting Jordan's call... Liv said from behind me... Why don't you mind your business miss .. she laughed at me... Your business is our business... Right Coop?... Yeah you are right... She said.... Both of you are crazy... But really why won't he call me.... Do you think he went back to Tracy? Or do you see him with Tracy... You guys are in the same place.... There is lockdown remember.... I haven't seen him since homecoming.... She said sadly cause that was the night it happened.... Yeah.... He called me though... Should I tell me you want to talk to him?
No no no .. he has to call me by himself without anyone telling him to call me .. why do you think hasn't call me yet? I said with the voice of someone trying not to cry ...
Don't cry... Liv said
I'm not crying... That how my voice looks like...
Really... Coop said.... Yes I snapped at her... Hold it Tiger ... This is one of the reasons he hasn't call you.... You're scary .... You know?
No am not..... To him you are... Give him some time he will call you.... We heard someone calling coop's name on the other side of the phone.... That's my mom... I will talk to you later... Say Hi to her for me ... I said and she hang up....
Liv went back to her room and i was alone with my thought.... I am confuse about how I feel about Demon but I miss him so much even though it hasn't been long... I even miss him more than when I asked for break.... Maybe because I know I have definitely lost him to that bitch.... Or I don't even know.... I lay down on my bed and slept off
Days turn into weeks... Weeks turn into months.... And he didn't call me.... But Demon was there to help me through the heart break.... I even got to know him more ... It was fun spending time with.... I figured he is a straight A student.... Very smart... I even find him funny now... In the morning he is there... Afternoon... Night... Midnight... He became my media best friend....
And I have a feeling my best friend and cousin might be right but the feeling I have is only for Jordan... I still love him so much.....

This past few months has been amazing.... I met the most wonderful woman or lady... She is awesome.... Am not the kind that fall over heels for a lady but I think.... I am now.... Am not sure what am feeling but am damn sure it is not just friendship... Something else is building in my heart and I can't wait to see how it goes. One thing I noticed is that she is very smart... I admire that about her....I have to meet up with after the lockdown.... I said and smile..

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