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Waking up to his message wasn't my plan this morning... I have two pending Assignment to submit this morning and I don't think I need any distraction this morning.... Demon already helped me last night... He is being of great help to me but Liv can't see that... Instead she talking about emotional entanglement.. bullshit... I got off the bed to brush my teeth so I can check Jordan's message..... I know it weird... Like who brush there teeth before checking there phone, I guess am the only one doing that.... One of my favorite thing to do in the morning.... After I was done brushing my teeth... I'm still scared to talk to Jordan but whether I like it or not, I still have to talk to him... I saw his message and it wasn't that I replied him...I will talk to you after my breakfast and was as if he was waiting for my reply the whole night....he replied instantly and I was shocked.... okay I will wait ..he said in his text ....
Please tell me you're awake..liv said from outside of the room but I could hear her voice ...
I immediately cover myself up and pretend to still be sleeping...she jumped on me and drag the cloth off my face ..I know you're awake stop pretending..she said and we both laugh... it's past 10am...and you are not out of bed yet...I guess you spend the whole night talking to Demon...she said
Not the whole night....I just decide to wake up late today... okay if you say so . come down before there is no breakfast for you to eat anymore....I haven't even have my bath... can't you help me bring it up here before Layla finish know mom won't like it..she said,if you tell aunty am in the middle of something and you're trying to save my food from Layla she will understand... okay I have you reply Jordan??
Yeah..I will talk to him after eating and submitting my assignment...I told her that and she went downstairs to get my food...I was already in the shower when she brought the food inside....Alex...I left it on your reading table...she didn't even wait for me to reply before she left the room. After some minutes I was done dressing up ...I ate and also attend the necessary class and also submit my assignment cause uncle's birthday is tomorrow...I just hope Jordan won't ruin my mood tomorrow....I picked up phone so I can talk to him ..but lucky for me my new best friend already texted me good morning... That actually put a smile on my face.

Conversation between Jordan and I
Hey J..
Good morning baby
I feel like you've been avoiding me, did I do something wrong.. I know you said you wanted a break.. that you had somethings going on and I didn't pressurize you or anything... You need to talk to me... I'm dying... I miss you . I miss us...
Seeing the message makes me realize how much I miss him too but things can't be the same again. First don't you have anything you wanna share with me??
Nope not at all.. immediately. I said the message I know he's gonna lie even more.
Let me call you Jordan.
Did you or did you not slept with Tracy on the night of the homecoming after your game, after your big win...I see he took his time before answering me because I could hear his breathing through the phone and I could guess he was crying or something... I did baby but I wasn't sober.. I swear I wasn't... I was drunk.. she took advantage of me cause I told her how much I miss you... At that moment I didn't know how but I had tears rolling than my cheeks, I was angry he let that stupid slut did that to him... You should have told me when it happen but instead you lied to me... I know you must be thinking how I found out .. that bitch .. that fuckin bitch sent me a video of you fuckin her and it doesn't look like you were drunk so I fail to believe your drunk excuse Jordan...I'm done with you Jordan... I can't do this anymore I can't get the image of you and her out of my head.. I know you must be thinking am making this decision in an hurry but I have thought about it over and over again and that is what I want please try and understand and I accept my choice...babe you have to believe I didn't mean to lie to you.. he said now he was crying and I was also crying.. but you did J.. you did .... Don't make any decision now... We can't break up ... We come a long way to end up like this ..
You messed us up ... I said that and I hang up .. I was crying bitterly cause I fuckin love him .. I didn't even realize Liv was by the door... Was I too loud?? She move close to me and give me a hug.... Why didn't you tell me?? You went through that all by yourself with big smile on your face and my sister was even adding to it... I'm so sorry Alex... So sorry
This is not your fault... I couldn't tell you cause I know how much you like him for me . She was by my side until I stop crying... I promise I will be fine .. I lay down on my bed and let that sleep take over cause I haven't been able to sleep since I watch the video... Nightmare every night...

Jordan pov
I lost her cause I was too scared to tell her the truth... Now she gone... I picked up my phone and call her best friend maybe she can help me talk to her... She said she will try.... No promises... With this stupid lock down I can't even go and see her ... I'm doomed

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