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Hello! I just wanted to say this is my first book, and I'm fairly young so don't judge errors to harshly! Anyways, enjoy! 

Ben's POV

This is the first chapter, but somehow it got mixed up with the second, so this is after. Sorry if that's confusing.

When I woke up on a random Saturday morning, I was surprised to find that Erica was not next to me.  I ran down stairs, fearing that something was wrong, only to see her standing in the kitchen. I was just getting over my panic, when I realized something was wrong.

Erica Hale looked worried.

"Oh," she said "good morning!"

"Is everything alright?" I questioned 

"Um, yeah. Everything's great." She said with fake enthusiasm.

This seemed odd to me, but if there's one thing I learned about Erica is DO NOT PUSH IT. If Erica says something is fine, don't bother coaxing for more.

Erica and I have been married for 3 years, 2 months, and 17 days. (Thanks to my math skills.)

It's gone fairly well, and Mike and Zoe actually got married the same day as us. We had a huge double wedding, and both went to Hawaii for our honeymoon. Me and Erica have always discussed kids, but we've never really thought about it to hard. Mike and Zoe on the other hand, got straight to it. They currently have 2 kids (One is 3, [Mason] and the other just turned 1 [Kayla]) they just found out about a month ago they were expecting another. I love playing with their kids, but they can be a handful.

"Um.. Ben?" Erica said.

"Yeah?" I said, sounding kind of out of it.

"Are you alright, you looked kind of... lost in thought"

"Yep, life's good, life's good" I smiled, leaned down, and kissed her.

"Well, I'm going to see Zoe" she said, a little to quickly.

"Oh well, have fun!" I hugged her goodbye, then she was off.

Erica's POV

As much as this doesn't sound like me, I'm worried.

I might be pregnant.

I know Zoe has a lot of experience with these types of things, so I decided to meet her for breakfast. She originally had plans, but one text of "I need to have girl talk" put her over the edge. She quickly responded "ok," and said she's be right there.

I sat down at a diner with Zoe, and right away she started to ask questions. 

"What is it? OMG I'm just so excited to be having girl talk right now!"

I shot her one of my signature icy glares, and she went dead silent quickly.

"Much better," I said, and continued " I don't open up much, but I need your help. Um my.. you know what we'll skip that part. I'm feeling nauseous, and I might be pregnant" 


"Slow down, I haven't even taken a test yet, I just think I might be." I explained.

"Well what are you waiting for? Let's take test right now!" She quickly hopped up and gathered her things.

"Um Zoe? You do realize that we haven't even gotten our food yet. I chose a diner for a reason. I'm seriously hungry, and I wanted to just talk to you, then I would've met you at the park. But I paid for food, so I'm going to eat it." I said firmly.

Zoe sat back down, slightly embarrassed "Oh yeah, I also forgot. Oops!

I rolled my eyes, then when my salad came, I dug in, wondering (if I am pregnant) how in the world was I going to explain this to Ben.

Zoe's POV


Erica Hale, the Ice Queen (might) be pregnant.

After breakfast, we went to buy some tests. I sent Erica to the bathroom, then 3 minutes later she returned. She had a worried look on her face, so I became very worried also.

"What's wrong Erica? What was the result?" I asked, panicking.

"It was positive." She said, in a tone that while most people might think it was cold, I detected a hint of excitement, amusement, and worry.

I screamed in joy, and danced around for a good 5 minutes.

"Wow," Erica said laughing "you might as well think it was your baby." 

"It practically is! We'll have double gender reveals, (not that genders matter, you're beautiful as you are whether you identify as a boy, girl, or neither!) we'll have matching nursery's, and us mamas will take a baby moon! Gosh I'M SO EXCITED" I said, so happy I was practically shaking.

"Slow down, I still have to tell Ben" Erica said, with a hint of worry in her voice.

"Gosh Erica, stop worrying for once. Ben loves you, and he'll love your baby even more!"

"Yeah," Erica said with a sigh "I just hope you're right."

That's it for chapter 1, I'm sorry this was really short, and I'm going to try to make the next chapters longer, but I need to eat dinner right now. Expect an update soon though!

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