Little Jillian

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Jessica's POV

I was so excited for Zoe's gender reveal, but unfortunately I had to miss it. Erica, Zoe, and I had become a little clan when we got older, and I really didn't want to miss this. But I was getting a tremendous amount of pain, so Jawa and I went to the hospital. Jawa's sister came to babysit the boys, and I kissed them goodbye. 

"Be good Josh! Take care of your siblings. James, make sure to practice reading with Auntie  Claire! Jamie, make sure you eat all your veggies at dinner!" I said, hugging them. I would miss my boys. Jawa and I got into the car, and though I usually drive, Jawa insisted on driving this time. It was a 45 minute drive, so I pulled out my phone. I thought about telling Zoe and Erica, but it was Zoe's big day, and I did not want to ruin it.

I scrolled through instagram, and saw that Zoe had just revealed the gender. It was a girl! Just like mine. I smiled, and kept scrolling. After what felt like forever, we arrived. We checked in, and I got to my room. I was 4 centimeters dilated. 

Believe it or not, labor was not fun. I couldn't eat anything, so I had to chew on ice. Not to mention the pain. I didn't get an epidural, so I could feel everything. After 3 long hours, I gave birth to my beautiful Jillian.

She had the most gorgeous blue eyes and brown hair. The blue eyes were defiantly a shock, seeing as my boys all have had brown eyes from the moment they were born. I held her first, then passed her in to Jawa. I cried happy tears, and kissed my first daughter. 

Jawa's mom would bring in Josh and James, but Jamie was too little to come. Jawa's sister would stay with him. I wish my parents could come, I really do. We haven't really mended our relationship yet though, I don't want my kids growing up around criminals. Jillian was so alert, and her little eyes darted around the room. I fed her, we cuddled forever.

When Josh and James came in, I hugged them so tight. They looked at Jillian in awe, and called her "so pretty"

They could only visit for a little while before visiting hours where over, so they went back home. Jillian was asleep, so I texted Zoe, Mike, Ben and Erica to tell them the news. Zoe called me 30 second after I sent the text.

"Oh my gosh! Jess! I didn't even know! Can we see her? Please?" Zoe asked eagerly.

I laughed and replied "alright, alright"

I flipped the camera around so they could see her. 

"She's gorgeous! Oh her eyes! Their so pretty!."

Jillian was sleeping peacefully, softly snoring.

"How was labor?" Erica asked.

"I'd be lying if I said it was easy." I replied.

Erica looked worried, but congratulated me.

"Jillian is getting a little fussy, talk to you guys later!"

"TTYL!" Zoe replied.

Group chat: Zoe, Jessica, Erica

Zoe: Jess! You MUST send us some pictures of Jillian! She's adorable 🥺! BTW, how are the boys? 

Jessica: ofc I'll send you some pics! The boys are great, I FaceTime them earlier today! How are Mason and Kayla? They grow up so much each day!

Zoe: they're doing great! Kayla is learning to swim, she's growing up to fast 😭 

Erica: party in the park when Jess comes home? Bring kids!

Jessica: Yes! I'd love that!

Zoe: I'm down!

Erica: has anyone talked to Trixie recently?

Zoe: nah

Jessica: yeah! Jordan and Trixie are doing great! They're trying to have kids soon!

Erica: I gtg, ttyl

Zoe: ttyl

Jessica: bye!

Jessica POV

The next day, I brought Jillian home. Jamie had no clue what was going on, but they all loved Jillian very much. We all went to sleep ( though Jillian woke up multiple times during the night) we had a long day ahead of us, and I was so excited to start out journey as a family of 6.

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