That's a lot of kids-

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Sorry for the late update, I was on vacation, and I had a draft but ended up deleting it.

Also gender doesn't matter, this is just for fun!


Erica's POV

I woke up at around 7 AM to find Ben downstairs making coffee for both of us.

"Hey baby!" He called cheerfully

I starred at him confused, after all, his usual wake up time is between noon and 1 PM. Also, I was extremely tired.

"I have your coffee and salad ready!" He said.

I sat down, looking like a hot mess. Hair all over the place, in baggy pajamas, but Ben either didn't notice or didn't care.

"Why are you up so early?" I asked groggily.

"Well, 1) 7 AM isn't that early. 2) We have a doctors appointment at 9. 3) You're welcome for making breakfast." He teased.

"Gee, real humble." I teased back.

We laughed and talked for a while, until we finally got ready. I put in a sleek yet stylish outfit, while Ben went all out in his dad style. I brushed my teeth, put my hair in a quick bun, and at 8:30 we were out the door. We got at the doctors office at 8:55, 5 minutes before out appointment. As per usual though, we waited for 12 minutes for out appointment to start. Everything was fairly normal, until I got words that made me so happy. 

"We can do an ultrasound today if you'd like" Nurse Patty said in a sweet and high pitched voice.

Me and Ben looked at each other excitedly. We were finally going to see our baby!"

The nurse put the machine on my stomach. Her face was a look of concern that instantly turned to pure happiness.

"Well, this is exciting," Nurse Patty said. "You have twins!"

Me and Ben didn't say anything for a long time. After a couple minutes of silence, I burst into happy tears.

"Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed.

Ben was still in a state of shock, but I could see a smile creeping across his face. He opened his mouth to say something, but only a squeak came out. I saw tears flowing down his face as well at this point. Finally, he was able to say:

"Yes yes yes yes yes! This is an absolute dream come true!" He leaned over to kiss me, tears streaming down both our faces.

"Congratulations, twin parents!" The nurse said.

We spent the rest of the appointment watching our cute kiddos. When we drove back home, Ben and I were marveling at the fact that we were already going to be a family of 4.

"I'm going to be a father, I'm going to have kids , KIDS!" Ben screamed excitedly.

"And I'm going to give birth to two humans that will come out very close together!" I said, a little scared.

"Maybe they'll be holding hands!" Ben said, which made me giggle. Ben smiled, and leaned over to kiss me. We stayed like that for 20 second, before we almost got into a car crash.

"WATCH THE ROAD!" I screamed.

"Oops!" Ben said jokingly.

Somehow we made it back home without dying. I was already thinking about how I was going to  all my family and friends I was pregnant with twins. First, obviously came my mom. I called her over, and at 2 PM she was at our house. I wore my standard outfit, while Ben had changed into a shirt that said "I'm going to be a father of twins, and I'm already tired." Catherine being a spy noticed right away.

"You're having twins?!" Catherine shrieked in a high pitched tone I didn't know she could reach.

"Yep!" Me and Ben said in unison.

"Boys, girls, or one of each?" Catherine asked, practically vibrating.

"We don't know yet!" I said, just as excited as my mom.

For the rest of the night, me and my mom discussed baby products, pregnancy products, names, and our gender predictions.

"Both boys. I know it." My mom said confidently. "Though I'd be happy with either."

"Catherine, it's going to be both girls." Ben called from the kitchen. "Though just like you, it'd be a miracle whatever the gender.

"So how are you going to tell everyone else?" My mom asked.

"It will be a while, but I'm thinking at the gender reveal, we reveal the gender of baby A, then pull out another box with the gender of baby B. Gender and twin reveal!" I said.

"Perfect!" Catherine said.

"Whatever you want is what I want." Ben said.

"Then it's settled," I said. "We'll tell them at the gender reveal." 

"Well dear I better get going." My mom said.

"Ok, bye Mom! Love you!" I called while she was walking out the door. "Tell dad I say hi!"

Catherine turned red, and quickly left. Me and Ben got into bed and cuddled for a little then I fell asleep with my head on Ben's chest, while he was stroking my hair.

"Goodnight Erica." He whispered. "I'm forever in awe of you and will always love you. Forever and always."

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