Meeting the Baby

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Enjoy :)

Ericas POV

I starred at my phone in shock for a little while. I texted Zoe, very confused.

Chat with Zoe and Erica

Erica: your baby is born?!

Zoe: yeah! Chloe was born about 1 hour ago

Erica: awww 🥰 Chloe is such a cute name.

Zoe: she's such a good baby 🥺

Zoe: Mason is finally old enough to visit! Since he's 4 now, he's just about old enough to visit! Kayla isn't, since she's only 1

Erica: that's so exciting! Can't wait to meet the baby! Hope your doing well! Bye!

Zoe: ttyl 🤱🏼👶🏼

Zoe's POV

It was actually a pretty decent labor. It wasn't as bad as it was with Kayla. When Chloe was born, they put her on my chest right away. She had gray eyes, and a full head of hair. She was so adorable. Her eyes darted around the room. Soon, she wanted to be fed. She had a pretty good latch, and ate very well. Mike was next to hold her.

"Hey little Chloe. Welcome to the world! You have a big family of people who love you very much. You have 2 siblings, one older brother whose name is Mason, and an older sister who's name is Kayla. We have very nice next door neighbors, and there are lots of kids in the neighborhood! Just know, mama and dada will always love you very much."

Mike rocked her to sleep.

About a day later, Mason came with my mom to the hospital. Mike greeted them outside of the room, and I got Chloe all ready. Mason came running in, but trying to keep as quiet as a 4 year old possible can.

"Mama!" He whispered.

"Hi baby! Come meet your little sister!" 

He ran over, and hopped on my bed.

"Can I hold her?" He asked.

"Maybe when we get home, but not now" I said.

Mason pouted.

"Why isn't it a boy?" Mason asked.

"Mama can't control if it's a boy or girl." I explained

"I wanted a boy."

"I'm sorry buddy.

"Are you excited to go to preschool in a month? I asked.

"Yeah, and Jamie is going to the same school as me!" He said happily.

"Jamie will be one year below you, since he's still only 3."

"I know."

Mason went over to talk to Mike, and my mom came over to talk to me, more or less in private.

"How was it?" My mom asked.

I sighed. "It was ok. Better then Kayla's labor"

"You're very brave, you know that right?"

"Thanks." I said.

"You're an amazing mom, and it's clear your kids cherish and love you."

"Thanks mom. I just don't know how I'll handle 3 kids. I want to give them all the love and attention they deserve, but I don't know how I'll give them each equal time." I said sadly.

"I know how you feel. It might seem impossible, but it can be done. You'll get into a rhythm. I know you will. I know you Zoe.

I smiled.

"Thanks, mom."

Chloe was in my chest, fast asleep. It was silent for a minute. Maybe I just need to let go a little bit and enjoy the ride. Maybe I just need to go with the flow more.

Ericas POV

About 3 days after I texted Zoe, Zoe brought Chloe home. Zoe called me, and of course, I came over right away. Sort of. Zoe called me at seven in the morning. We got over there at 11.

This is mainly because I'm pregnant with twins, so I can hardly move. Ben rang the doorbell, and Mike answered.

"Yo bro! How are ya?" Mike asked.

"Great! How's 3 kids man?" Ben replied.

"Tough, but we're managing!"

"Erica! I'm in the family room!" Zoe called.


I made my way there slowly.

"Hey Erica! How are you?"

"Great, but pregnancy is HARD. Anyways, how are you? You're the one with 3 kids now." I said.

"I'm pretty good, but very tired. I don't know how Jessica is managing 4 kids, but still came to the park with us, as well as your gender reveal." Zoe said.

"She's incredible." I said.

Chloe made a small little coo, and that's when I realized Zoe was holding her. My heart melted. She had big grey eyes, full of wonder.

"She's adorable!" I said.

Zoe smiled.

Kayla and Mason came running down the stairs.

"Erica!" Mason said.

"Hey guys!"

"Me and LaLa already met Chloe!" Mason said.

"That's amazing!" I said. Mason grinned proudly.

Kayla hugged me, and I scooped her up.

"Hey big girl! How are you?" I asked, ruffling her hair.

"Good!" She said, her green eyes darting around the room.

I sat down on the sofa, and Kayla sat on my lap. Mason sat in between me and Zoe.

"I want to hold her!" Mason said.

"Let Erica have turn, then maybe you can." Zoe replied.

Zoe placed Chloe gently in my arms. She was so little and cute. I rocked her a little, and er yes started to droop a little. After holding her for a whole, Mason got inpatient, and I gave him a turn. He was so big now, it feels like yesterday I was holding him. We all spent some time together, and soon Ben and I went home.

"Gosh, Chloe is so cute!" I said as we arrived home.

"I know, right? I can't believe we're going to have 2 of our own soon!" Ben said, sitting down. 

"I know!" I said laughing. I rubbed my stomach. I rested my head on Ben's shoulder, and we watched some Netflix. I can't wait to start the next chapter in our life.

Bens POV

I stroked Erica's hair, and even though we were watching a show, I was only half paying attention. It was crazy to me how I was going to be a dad. Earlier today, Mike and I hung out, and I met baby Chloe. She was so cute! Mike was a busy guy now with 3 kids. 

It was insane how quickly our little group grew up. Zoe and Mike have 3 kids, Jessica and Jawa have 4. Trixie has kids, and now Erica and I are about to have children. I couldn't wait to meet our little bundle of joys, no matter what challenges might come with it, I know I am ready as long as I have Erica by my side.

It's been a while since I've done even a little part form Bens prospective. I like doing Erica more. (Clearly.) see ya guys later maybe.

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