Double Trouble

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Ericas POV.

After about 2 months, Trixie and her family came over again. When they arrived, Grace and Sacred ran over to me, and I gave them a hug. Adam ran to Ben, who picked him up. Trixie and Jordan came in next, looking extremely tired. Trixie was holding Adah on her side, and carry some bags. Jordan was carrying the rest. They put their things down in the family room, and then sat in the couch to talk to us. The kids went to the play room, and they set Adah down with some toys. She began to bable and coo, chewing in the toys. 

"Trix! How was your flight?" I asked, playing with Adah.

"It was pretty good, but obviously still very tiring. Grace and Sacred were very good, Adam was good for the most part, but Adah was a little crazy. She isn't a fan of planes right now."

"We'll, she's only 9 months. Things will change." I said.

Trixie sighed and nodded her head.

"How's Zoe, Jessica, and their family?" Trixie asked.

"Oh their pretty good. Jillian is now 5 months, and just as crazy as ever. Chloe is 3 months, and you can finally see her little personality! It's adorable!"

"That's amazing! I can't wait to see them. How's Kayla and Jamie adjusting to not being the youngest?" Trixie asked.

"Oh, their actually doing very well! I was surprised!" I said.

"That's great." Trixie replied.

"How's Adam? I know it's been a little while since Adah was born, but it's still an adjustment! He was the youngest for 4 years!" 

"He's actually doing great! He loves Adah, even though I'm sure he wanted a brother!"

Mom and dad came over, and we all had some quality family time. Mom and Dad went home at around 9, and then we got all the kids ready for bed. They were pretty tired, as for them 9 is very late. After all the kids were in bed, we talked until midnight. We finally went to bed. I wasn't comfortable at all, and kept shifting and Turing. At around 3 am, the bed was wet.

I though I went to the bathroom at first, but then I realized.

My water broke.

I shaked Ben awake, and his eyes burst open.

"Erica. I'm so tired. It's 3 am, we've only had 3 hours of sleep."

"Honey, my water just broke."

That changed his mood completely. Within 15 minutes, he was ready to be out the door. I got ready, and everything was happening so fast. 20 minutes ago my water broke, now we were in the car in the way to the hospital. Ben was driving, so I called Trixie to tell her where we were. I knew she wouldn't be happy to be called at 3:30 in the morning, but I didn't really care. I called her twice, and on the third time she finally picked up.

"Hello?" She said in a scratchy voice,

"Hey Trix. Sorry to wake you. I just wanted to let you know that Ben and I are in the way to the hospital. My water broke! Feel free to eat anything in the kitchen, and to let the kids play with any toy in the play room. I'll talk to you later! Bye!"

"What........" Trixie said "uhh goodbye I guess."

It was clear she didn't comprehend it at all. But I knew she would be super happy later. Next I called my mom.

"Hello darling. I hate to be a little rude, but why exactly are you calling me at 3:40 in the morning?"

"Mom, my water broke! Meet me at the hospital! You're two grand babies are almost going to be born!" 

From what I could hear, Mom immediately jumped in the car and drove there. 

"Call dad and tell him to come to the hospital as well! I love you, see you soon bye!" I said.

"Bye honey! You're going to be alright!"

I smiled and hung up.

After the most painful and longest 20 minutes of my life, we finally made it to the hospital. By now it was 4 am. Mom and dad were already sitting in the waiting room, seeing as they live closer to the hospital. After talking to the nurses for a long time, and a lot of waiting, we got into our room at around 5 am.

I got an epidural, and by 6 am I was 6 centimeters dilated. Trixie arrived at 7, practically shaking in excitement. I finally started pushing at 9 am. 

The boy (baby a) was born at 9:17 in the morning on April 9th. The little girl was born at 9:24 in the morning on April 9th.

They laid them both on my chest, and I started to cry. They were so precious and small. The boy had big brown eyes, and the girl had ice blue eyes. They first took the boy to weigh and measure him, then the girl. After I held them for a while, Ben got to hold them. After that was mom, then dad, then Trixie. The nurses set them down in their little beds, I we just started at them for a while. At around 5 pm, everyone went home. Ben and I were finally alone with our babies. 

We discussed baby names. After a little while of going back and forth, we finally settled on names. When the nursed asked us to write them down we wrote...

Baby A) born at 9:17 am, April 9. Male. Welcome to the world, Oliver Cyrus Ripley.

Baby B) born at  9:24 am, April 9. Female. Welcome to the world, Olivia Mary Ripley.

I adorned their names. Oliver meant "olive tree" or "ancestors descendants"

Olivia meant also "olive" "olive tree" or my personal favorite, "peace"

Cyrus and Mary come from my grandparents. And Ripley is our last name.

We decided to nickname Olivia "liv" or "Vee" Olivers nickname is "Ollie",  but most of the time we would just call him Oliver. Liv and Oliver were very strong, smart babies. I was in a lot of pain, but they learned how to feed and do other basic things right away. Just 26 hours after they where born, at 11:30 the next day, we left the hospital. 

I placed them in carriers, and they looked so peaceful, sleeping all snuggled into their blankets. Ben held Liv, and I held Ollie. Ben eventually took Liv and Ollie to our car to get them strapped in, while I filled out some forms. We finally were on the road at noon. We stopped at a subway, and got some food. I fed Liv and Ollie, and then we were back on the road. We finally made it home at around 1.

We carried them into the family room, where Trixie and her family were. Trixie squealed quietly, and ran over to me.

"Their so cute!" Trixie whispered.

"Thank you! I just have to change their diaper, and then I'll tell you the names." I whispered back.

Trixie nodded, and then I went to their nursery. After I changed their diapers, I brought the twins downstairs and sat on the couch. When mom and dad arrived, everyone gathered around me as I told them the names.

"Baby boy's , or baby A's name, is Oliver (Ollie) Cyrus Ripley. Baby girl's, or baby B's name is Olivia (Liv) Mary Ripley."

Everyone said how cute those names were, and dad was happy I honored his parents. I texted Jessica and Zoe the names, and they loved them too. I was so happy to finally be a mom. I couldn't wait to watch my kids grow, learn, and become amazing people. All with the help of my incredible husband, Ben. I love you Liv and Ollie Ripley.

The end. Or is it??

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