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"You're gonna kill me." I said the minute I stepped in the door of the loft.

Hannah looked up from her phone. She was sitting on the couch, Law and Order playing on the TV. She grabbed the remote and turned it down. "Kayce?" She asked with no emotion.

I nodded. "Technically this is your dads fault-"

"My dad did not tell you to fuck Kayce Dutton-" She started in.

"Whoa!" I cut her off quickly,"I did not fuck him!" My eyes were probably wider now than early.

She was silent. "Oh." She nodded. "Okay. Okay. Good. So, what'd you do?"

I tossed my bag up onto the kitchen island counter,"Told him I would go out with him."

"Great." She dropped her head in her hands,"Here we go."

"I know." I leaned on the counter and did the same. "I couldn't tell him no."

She sighed. "Okay. Okay." She repeated herself again. "Okay." She was panicking. Definitely panicking. "Okay." She looked up from her hands and over at me. "So what are you wearing?"

I scoffed a little. "You're not gonna kill me?"

She stood up and walked over to me. "Not yet. Kayce and Monica had a pretty rocky ending. Maybe she smacked some sense into him." She leaned onto the counter in front of me.

I nodded. "Yeah."

I hope so.

I showered and shaved and blow dried my hair. By then it was 7:30 and I was running out of time.

"What about this?" Hannah pulled out a cute long sleeved, flowy dress with red and white polka dots.

My jaw dropped,"When did you get that?" I let a piece of hair off the curling iron. It bounced up to a wave.

She shrugged,"Couple weeks ago."

"I don't wanna be over dressed. I feel like a dress is too much." I clamped the curler around another piece of hair then twisted and wrapped it up.

"Okay..." she ran back in her room for a few minutes. "This?" Shorts and a tank top.

"I'll freeze."

"Fucking Texas." She mumbled and went back in. And then came back out with the same outfit but a flannel.

"It's basic." I shut off the curling iron and sat it on the counter.

"It's 7:45, Ada! Pick something." She ran back into her room. I heard hangers being tossed and moved as I threw on a little make up. He had only seen me in scrubs and no make up and unwashed hair, so anything was an improvement really.

"How about this?" She was holding my favorite light washed wranglers and a simple white long sleeves with buttons at the top.

"Do you think it'll be okay?" I asked quietly. Realizing how nervous I was.

She smiled. "You look good in everything, girl." I smiled a little, thankful for someone like her. "But he ain't gonna care whatcha wearing, he just wants you naked."


I went with the dress. It was too cute not to. I paired it with some brown strappy sandals and chunky jewelry per usual.

Then there was a knock at the loft door.

"I'll get it." Hannah went running past me.

"Be nice!" I yelled and ran to my room to grab my purse.

"Kayce. Hi. How are you?" I heard her in the other room.

"Hey Hannah. I'm fine. How are you? How's your dad?"

Lonely Secrets: Yellowstone Ranch SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now