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Kayce took the news well as you would expect.

When Ryan and Hannah dropped us off, he just stood in front of the place. I understood. I did the same thing right after it happened.

What the crime shows don't tell you, is that there's no one to cleaned up after a murder happens.

The sheriff and his deputies came and they did all their photographs and collecting evidence, but then they just left with the body of Elliot Whittaker and the roofing nail. It was group effort cleaning and fixing up the cabin. I stayed in the bunk house while we worked on it for the next week. Not that the bunk house didn't need work too, but it was better than being alone in a house with a blood stained floor.

I didn't know how to act around Kayce now. I wanted to wrap my arms around him and tell him it's not his fault. But I knew he wouldn't believe me.

I searched for words to say to him.

"Did they hurt you?" Kayce's grumbly voice asked.

It took me by surprise. "Uh, no. I-I wasn't here. We were on our way back from the hospital." I stuttered along.

"Right. That's when they hit you guys." He repeated.

I stepped in front of him, facing him. "We don't have to stay here, Kayce. I can go back to the loft-" I rambled.

He reached out quickly and hugged me tightly. I buried my nose into chest and wrapped my arms around his waist. I wanted to squeeze him tightly back but was afraid to hurt him from the injuries he sustained. "I don't want you to go anywhere. Ever." He pushed his lips to my forehead. I closed my eyes tight, trying to keep the tears in.

I wanted everything to be okay from here on out. That maybe the craziness would stop and we can go back to every day life. I can actually start a life with Kayce on this ranch, not just be here without him. We made it through the worst, and we're all alive. Kayce's alive.

I'm stupid to think this. Jake is still somewhere out there. We didn't have time to run a militia and a ranch. We were so behind as it was. The next morning I woke up without Kayce.

I checked my phone. 4:03. I rolled onto my back and sighed. I sat up with a dizzy head and made my way through the house. Kayce laid on the couch, snoring quietly. Last night he went to bed with me. He laid beside me and I felt safe. He had wrapped his arm around my shoulders and it was so comforting.

I leaned against the doorway of the bedroom and watched him on the couch. He was probably just uncomfortable in the bed from his injuries. I shook off the feeling and crawled back into bed for another hour.

When I woke up the next time, it was to get ready for the day. I didn't put in scrubs like I use to. I had traded in my scrubs for jeans and boots after the incident. They were short on wranglers so I stepped in. It had been years since I ran cattle, but I still knew how. I stepped out of the bedroom and made me way to the coffee pot. But I could already smell it in the air. Kayce.

I nearly kicked myself. I had forgotten he was back home. I was so use to being alone up here anymore. I poured myself a mug full and stepped onto the porch.

Kayce turned to me, like he forgot I was there to. He leaned against the opening of the porch, where the wooden stairs met the hard floor. "No scrubs?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

The edges of my mouth turned up,"No," I huffed a little chuckle,"It gets a little cold riding in scrubs."

He nodded. "Have you been wrangling?" He started to smile.

"Trying." I chuckled and sat down in the rocking chair. It creaked.

"I didn't realize you were a cowboy in Texas." His smile turned to a smirk.

Lonely Secrets: Yellowstone Ranch SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now