Not Surprised.

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Hello! I just wanted to let everyone know that I'll mainly update on the weekends if I feel up to it, and usually I publish multiple chapters at once. All characters are owned by Stuart Gibbs, but the plot is my own. Btw - I have to right quick because I have school tomorrow. I'm fairly young and not feeling great so don't judge errors to harshly!

Enjoy :)

Erica's POV

Right after I found out, I of course called my mom. Just like Zoe, when I said I wanted to have girl talk, she was over in seconds. She invited herself inside immediately. Ben had just left to get groceries, but I still wanted to make this conversation quick. Mom placed her self in the couch,  and ordered me to start talking. 

"So, what is it? Gossip? Any new tea? Spill it! Spill it!" Catherine said excitedly.

"Fine, fine! Ok, long story short, I'm pregnant." I said.

We sat there for a good 15 second in silence.

"Anything else?" Catherine said, almost sounding bored.

"No," I said sarcastically "you're just getting a new grandchild."

I must of sounded a little hurt and annoyed, which I am, and mom quickly caught on.

"Sweetheart, you're starting to get a bump, you've been texting me for the past week complaining how nauseous you are, oh and I almost forgot, there's a positive pregnancy test in you kitchen counter. I may be sweet, but I'm still a spy" She said joking.

I quickly glanced around, confirming everything she said was true. Unfortunately, even the bump part.

My voice lowered as I said "Ben still doesn't know, and since it's our first kid together, I want to make telling him special. The only problem is I have no clue how."

My moms face instantly brightened up

"I know how. Put a picture of the ultrasound in a cake. Make him cut it, and the piece of paper will fall out!" (Totally didn't get this idea from the ICarly revival date reveal)

"Yes Mom! You're a genius!" I then hate to admit it, but I might of squealed a little.

"Defiantly a homemade cake" We said in sync.

We talked for about 5 more minutes, before Ben texted me he would be home soon. I told my mom, and she then went back home. Me and Ben watched a movie, cuddled, and eventually fell asleep.

The next day I sent Ben to go hang out with Mike, and called my mom over. We baked the cake, slipped the paper inside, and decorated the house. I decided I would tell Ben later on in the day, so I texted Ben and said we should all go in a walk in the park together, Mike and Zoe included. He agreed, and we had an amazing walk in the park. Me and Zoe whispered about being pregnant together, and then when we went back home, I knew it was the big moment.

Ben looked shocked when he went inside, to see the house decorated.

"What's all this for?" He asked confused.

"I'll tell you." I whispered quietly.

"Ok.." He said suspiciously.

"Cut the cake" I said, so quiet he could barely hear.

When he cut the cake, he saw the note.

He looked surprised, shocked, happy, confused, and amused at the same time.

He picked me up and span me around. I laughed and laughed. He knelt down and kissed my stomach. He had tears in his eyes when he said "I'm going to be a father!"

We spent the night giggling, laughing and talking.

Group chat (Erica, Ben, Mike, Zoe (and maybe Catherine, Alexander, and Cyrus. Who knows)

Mike: Yo Ben, congrats man. You're going to be a father!

Ben: Thanks man, I'm honestly still in shock!

Erica: I'm going to be a mother. I'm carrying a baby. IM GOING TO GIVE BIRTH.

Zoe: Welcome to the club

Ben: 🤣😂🤪😝😭

Mike: lol

Zoe: Why on earth did I marry you?

Mike: Because I'm adorable, muscular, and all around perfect

Zoe:  Maybe 💕❤️😘😍🥰

Erica: Will you two stop flirting? I'm already nauseous from being pregnant. Now I think I might lose my lunch.

Mike: Don't pretend you're not making out with Ben right now.

Ben: I plead the 5th 😳🫣🤫🫠

Erica: Mike, you do realize I know where you live.

Ben: Lock the doors man

Mike: Already on it

Zoe: You guys are so immature 

Ben: that's what makes us lovable

Erica: I'm leaving. You're to immature.

Zoe: Erica. You know what time it is.

Erica: No, please no

Ben: What?

Zoe: TRUTH OR DARE! Meet at our house!

Ben: already driving over

Erica: I'm doing this against my will.

Ben, Erica, Zoe, and Mike are now off line

Cathrine: I'll pretend I didn't see any of that

Alexander: Yep

Cyrus: I won't. Believe me when I say, that Ben character is going to have it from me.

Alexander, Catherine, and Cyrus are now offline

Erica' POV

When we got to Zoe's house, Zoe got straight to the point.

"Erica, truth or dare?"

"Dare, duh"

"I dare you to make out with Ben for 5 minutes straight"

I sighed, but me and Ben were married, and I was pregnant, so sadly, I reluctantly said yes.

(I'll skip the details)

5 awkward minutes later, and Zoe looked as happy as ever.

"That good enough for you?" I asked, mockingly.

Zoe, who looked like a kid who had just been given candy, squealed.

"Yep!" She said.

"Zoe, truth or dare?" I said mischievously.

"Tru- dare." She said, after I shot her a "I wouldn't do that if I were you" look.

"I dare you to let me beat you up for what you just did to me."  I said flatly.

"A dare is a dare, Zoe." Mike said, in the verge of laughing.

Zoe braced for impact.

Let's just say Zoe might want to rethink forcing me to play truth or dare next time.

Another chapter done! :)

Expect another chapter somewhat soon!

THANK YOU SO MUCH if you've made it this far!

See ya!

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