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|| No smut but still trigger warning for those who need it ||


The last thing Zyla wanted was to be married, especially to a man, especially to Darth Vader of all people.

Anakin Skywalker was the man behind the mask that was Darth Vader but god was that a thick mask... And Zyla is not the person to bring him back. She knows that for a fact, she's in a very dangerous position here.

They began to dress Zyla in fine dresses, dresses that reminded her of Padme, a part of her wondered if this was being done on purpose... Is she kidding herself? Of course, it's being done on purpose.

Zyla stared at herself in the mirror as she wore the dress: 

It was beautiful but her mind flashed to memories of Padme Amidala

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It was beautiful but her mind flashed to memories of Padme Amidala... Tears filled her eyes, this is not what she would have wanted, "leave me... please," she asked the people who brought her the dress.

"Goddamit," Zyla whispered as she touched her head, "Padme," she closed her eyes tears falling, "I'm so sorry."

All she could think was that she betraying her best friend and more than that... She just couldn't think of it anyway else.

WHEN ANAKIN CAME BACK Zyla was trying to stay as far away from him as humanly possible, she knows she should refer to him as Darth Vader especially since she called him Anakin before caused a stormtrooper's life to be ended but she couldn't help it... He will always be Anakin Skywalker. But one thing Zyla can't shake is the clothes, the fact she looks just like his dead wife, he wants to replace Padme... She can't be a replacement.

"You look better," he commented on the dress.

"You think so?" She asked, there was something in her voice that she couldn't shake, she wanted to call him out for wanting to replace her best friend.

He tilted his head as he took off his cloak, "you have something to say, say it."

Zyla pursed her lips, "I'm not sure-"

"Say it, Zyla," Anakin demanded.

Zyla didn't want to make him mad so she decided to just say the truth, "are you trying to replace Padme? Because I could have been fooled; the dress, me who looks just like her," she shook her head, "I am not Padme Amidala."

Anakin just shook his head, "don't," he said swiftly, he stepped forward and this time she did have the opportunity to back up and she did but then he used the force to bring her back close to him, "truth be told," he looked her in the eye, "your the closest thing I have left to Padme..." Her mouth parted open, so he is trying to replace Padme with her, "that is why I chose you."

As he turned to walk away she spoke up, "Ani-"

"Next time you call me that," he turned to her, "I won't be so gentle." He went into the bathroom as she just shook her head.

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