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40 WEEKS WERE SLOWLY CREEPING UPON THE PREGNANT WOMAN, Zyla knew she would give birth soon, she wasn't exactly ready but she was more prepared than she was beforehand. Obi-Wan brought Zyla to a planet remote called Dasmir where they've been hiding for a good few weeks but they've heard what Darth Vader's been doing while they've been hiding.

"Obi-Wan?" Zyla asked while eating one night.

"Yes?" The Jedi asked back.

Zyla just cupped her hands, "I'm going to give birth soon."

"Yes, you are," Obi-Wan nodded, "have you thought any about what you're going to call her... Or him?"

Zyla thought about what Anakin and her talked about as she answered with, "I was thinking her middle name could be Padme."

"I like that," Obi-Wan smiled.

"Any thoughts for first names?"

Zyla shrugged not really having an answer for that yet... She should, being close but... No, she didn't. Wonder if Anakin does...

"Don't worry about the birth too much, okay Z? I'm going to make sure it goes smoothly," Obi-Wan swears to her.

"You can't control something like that," she thought about Padme looking down, "at least I get to meet someone new..."

He smiled.

ZYLA WAS PAINTING ONE DAY, 39 weeks pregnant while Obi-Wan was out getting food, wearing a dress that she had grown a taste for:

ZYLA WAS PAINTING ONE DAY, 39 weeks pregnant while Obi-Wan was out getting food, wearing a dress that she had grown a taste for:

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When she felt something that she had learned about from being a handmaiden...

"Oh god," she reacted, "no, not now."

Zyla stood up as she shook her head, "Zyla?"

She turned to see Obi-Wan, "m-my water just broke."

"Your- You mean you're in labor?" As she nodded Obi-Wan helped her out of the house onto a speeder to get her to the midwives.

Zyla tried to do her breathing but she knew that Anakin was looking for them... What if he senses her giving birth? She tried not to think about that.

Once to the midwives, she was put on a table, and given a blanket while women surrounded her, when Obi-Wan tried to leave her side she grabbed his wrist, "don't you dare leave me."

"Okay... Just do your breathing, I'm right here," Obi-Wan reminded her as she nodded.

She was told to push as she did what she was told, she cried out as she felt enormous pain before she heard the crying of a baby...

"It's a baby girl!"

"A girl?" A few tears fell as Zyla looked at her daughter, the midwife gave the baby to her as she cradled her, "she's... She's perfect."

Obi-Wan smiled, "she looks like you," he told her holding her hand, "what's her name?"

Zyla just thought for a second, "how about... Amana?"

"I like that."

Before Obi-Wan could tell her that it was Anakin who said it both of them looked in alarm hearing his voice, "Amana Padme Skywalker," he finished, he ignited his red lightsaber making Zyla's heartbeat quicken, and the midwives scattered out of the house, "why is it you always find yourself in my family business?"

"Once upon a time we found eachother like family," Obi-Wan told him as he let go of Zyla's hand pulling out his lightsaber and igniting it.

"Get out of my way or I will destroy you," Anakin threatened his old master.

Obi-Wan shook his head, "no... Sorry, Anakin but I can't let you near them."

The Sith looked at Zyla before shaking his head, "you will try."

Zyla sat up holding Amana close to her, "Anakin... You don't have to do this... Please."

"She's my daughter," Anakin snapped back.

"She's also mine," Zyla pointed out.

Anakin glared as his eyes glowed yellow like the Sith he is, "yes, because you're my wife until you chose to run away with him."

Obi-Wan just got in front of Zyla and the baby before beginning to fight Anakin giving Zyla the chance to get on her feet which she probably isn't supposed to do yet but she didn't have much choice. If Obi loses, Anakin will come for them.

Zyla held Amana close as she snuck away whilst the lightsaber battle happened close to them, she had to duck when they hit the wall causing some of the damage to fly outwards!

Amana began to cry as she shooshed her rocking the baby, "it's okay, baby girl, it's okay..." She told her as she limped out she got to the speeder and got inside, but when she tried to leave suddenly it wouldn't move... "What the hell...?"

"That would be me doing it," Anakin said from behind her holding his hand out while holding the speeder in place; holding them in place...

Zyla froze, "w-where's Obi-"

"I didn't kill him, not yet," Anakin hissed, "I'm here for my daughter. Give her to me or I will kill the both of you."

"Anakin, please-" Zyla tried.

Anakin glared as he ignited his red lightsaber, "one more chance."

Was he seriously going to kill her? To get Amana? Was he going to rip her from her child just like he ripped Padme from Luke? She felt tears well up in her eyes. She kissed Amana's head as she suddenly pulled out a blaster and shot him but then he put his hand out making it and Zyla both stop in place!

"That was your final mistake."

Anakin touched Zyla's face as he shook his head, "I wish things were different, I really do," he admitted.

A tear fell as he took Amana out of her arms.

She wanted to plead but the last thing she saw was his saber being put at her chest and he ignited it making everything go black...

Obi-Wan came out too late... Amana was gone with Darth Vader, he found Zyla's body as he shook his head, "no, no, no," he pulled her body onto his lap, "please, no," he checked her pulse and saw she was gone, "I'm sorry," he felt it was his fault. He let himself get weak over the years, let Vader get the jump on him... Let Darth take the child. "I'm so sorry, Zyla..."

AMANA PADME SKYWALKER IGNITED HER TWO RED LIGHTSABERS as she trained with them! She was around the age of 18 now, it's been 18 years since she lost her mother not that she remembers her at all, she was raised by Darth Vader; her father. Her Master.

Amana had good foot and handwork as she trained taking out each droid that was there for it.

"You're getting very good," Amana looked behind her to see her father, "you'll soon be ready to face our enemies."

"I'm ready, father," Amana tried to tell him, "you've watched me train and take out more than 40 droids."

"Droids aren't what is out there," Anakin reminded her as she just shook her head, "don't worry your time is coming."

Amana sighed turning off her sabers and putting them back on her belt, "what's next for the day?"

"You will be going down into the planet of Endor; your half-brother is there," Anakin told her, "I WANT YOU TO BRING HIM TO ME."

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