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ZYLA WALKED WITH HER LADY in the gardens of Naboo, "Padme, what are you doing with that Jedi?"

"Anakin is..." She smiled to herself, "it's hard to explain."

She knew the two of them were keeping a big secret and she understood why they couldn't tell anyone but she wished that Padme trusted her enough to tell her the truth.

"You know you can trust me, right?" Zyla asked.

Padme just nodded, "of course, I know that Zyla your loyalty knows no bounds. Okay, I'll be honest, but you cannot tell anyone."

"I promise you I won't," she took her hands in her hands.

The old Queen of Naboo just smiled, "Anakin and I have married," once she realized this Zyla just gave a small smile, "he makes me happy, like really happy," she tries to explain.

"Well that's all that matters," Zyla told her.

Padme hugged her, "thank you for letting me tell you! I've been dying to tell someone who isn't Ani or C3PO," she said.

"Of course, I'm glad he makes you happy," she tells her.

"You should give Anakin a chance, he's not that bad," she gives her advice.

Zyla blinks, that's not... That's not how this goes, after she tells her that she's glad that Anakin makes her happy they went to go have dinner. Why is it different? Is this just a dream?


"I'm not mad at you, Zyla," Padme admits, "I'm happy Anakin has someone in his life again, especially you, now your not alone either."

Zyla shook her head, "Padme... This isn't possible, you can't be here, neither your or I were Force Sensitive. This is a dream," she says, mostly to herself, "it has to be."

"Just because it's a dream," Padme leaned forward, "doesn't mean I'm not real."

Zyla opened her eyes setting her eyes on a sleeping Anakin, his arms holding her tightly, she thought of what Padme said in her dream... She stared at the form of the sleeping Anakin her dream reeling in her mind.

"Your staring," Anakin suddenly spoke up.

"Can you sense that with your Jed- Sith abilities?" Zyla asked curiously.

Anakin just opened his eyes and cocked an eyebrow, "Sith abilities?"

"What do you want me to call them?" She asked.

"It's still the Force," he said, "you seem like you're starting to accept your new role."

Zyla just tilted her head, "why? Because I'm being civil?" 

"It's a start," Anakin smirked as he leaned in and kissed her, he deepened the kiss until she finally kissed back making him satisfied and he pulled away standing up from the bed.

She watched as he got dressed before Zyla stood up and went to her clothing, picked out a dress, one that didn't exactly remind her as much as Padme which she liked when she saw it:

She watched as he got dressed before Zyla stood up and went to her clothing, picked out a dress, one that didn't exactly remind her as much as Padme which she liked when she saw it:

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